Why, everyone knows it's flat. It just flips over so you think it's round. LOL
No, it's flat. Be careful when you go on a cruise, or you might fall off the edge of it.... XD
The Earth, for those of you asleep since the 13th century, is a sphere -slightly oblong at the equator.
The world isn't flat, it's all up hill. Ask any cyclist. (And, oh yeah, every wind is a headwind.)
Back in the 1980s a Flat Earther set up a stall in Sydney's Queen's Square. He had the deeds to two land allotments pinned to it and offered to give them, freely, to anybody who could convince him that the world wasn't flat.
He listened to all manner of arguments based on science, mathematics, and space photography but dismissed them all with, "I don't accept that argument."
For him, the world was flat and was going to remain so, no matter what.
Just a little background, though. As early as 240 BCE a very clever Greek named Erastosthenes not only postulated that the Earth was round but actually calculated it's circumferance based on the difference in shadows at noon in (if I remember correctly) Memphis and Alexandria.
The exact length of the unit ("stadia") he used is not known but his calculations are generally estimated to be somewhere between 0.5% and 17% of the modern distance.
Technically no it's not, it's a sphere.