It's 24 degrees here and I'm just waiting on the snow storm.
It's a balmy minus 4 degrees Celsius here today which feels really warm after the past couple days of minus 25. I can't translate that into fehenight though cos I can't . I can't even spell fare- in - hight right now cos YAY FRIDAY , I love Friday so very much !! :)
7. Warmest its been all week.
It's 66 here--typical SoCal weather. Not very cold.
50° and 🌝
It's 25 degrees - clear skies - no snow in the forecast yet, but there is 8 inches of that stuff on the ground.
5 C (41 F) here. But no wind.
It's 20 and still snowing....
It's 13 degrees celsius, sunny with some clouds. This is the nicest winter day yet..
The storms have moved through and the temperature is starting to drop. We are down to 68. (20C) I think we made it up to 72 today. (22C)
It's 38F with gray skies.
27 degrees was our high today.