Race: Human
Ethnicity: German, French, Russian, English.
Race: Human
Ethnicity: German, French, Russian, English.
canadian, metis, cacasian. Whatever LOL
Human race ..
Ethnicity refers more to a person's culture, not so much their race or color. I think I'd be considered pretty much your middle of the road American. Since I'm pretty mixed cuturally as many Americans are.
Daytona race
Caucasian until I came to know that there is no such thing as race:
Half Human and half Jedi.
I'm black on my dad's side and I'm black on my mom's side. So 100% black.
50 yard dash ..
And I'm a pureblood homo sapien.
Hispanic Mexican
DEFINITIONS FOR NEW RACE AND ETHNICITY CATEGORIES nces.ed.gov/ipeds/reic/definitions.asp
So: Not Hispanic or Latino
and "White"
White/European, of Romanian, Greek, and German descent.
If you believe the theory that humans are from Africa, then everyone is from Africa
Race: Black And White Mix
Ethnicity: White Side: German, Dutch, French, Italian
Black Side: African American, Pawnee
Dear Gypsy,
My race is: Human
My ethnicity is: Heinz 57 varieties (absolute truth, my father told us so)
One race, Human.
My nationality is American. My ethnicity is German, Scottish, Bohemian, and I think English. The last one has been hard for me to track down. My mother's father died a few days before I turned 4. He was an only child. His father passed away when he was 3, I think, and his mother when he was 11. I haven't been able to find anything on them in the limited searches I have done, but his last name is English in origin.
Almost entirely Scottish and Irish.
On my dad's side; Irish and German, on my mom's side; polish and Italian with a little Czech thrown in there
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