
disadvantages of science?


8 Answers

Arafat Hossain Profile
Arafat Hossain answered

Science cannot compete with opinions.. What i mean is science is not an opinion to the people who understand it, its fact. But to say science is fact is an opinion.. And if people dont want to accept science, thats their opinion.. Classic case is religion vs science.. The main point is science is incomplete and the more we discover to be 'fact' the more we realize we dont understand.

John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

"disadvantages of science?"

I am seeing a lot of silly answers to this question from people who obviously do not even know what science is.

Science is a method designed to keep human bias to a minimum.

The only disadvantage of this method is that biased humans use it and sometime contaminate the method with their biases.

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

Weapons of war.

Serena Claire Profile
Serena Claire answered

Destroy the environment.

thanked the writer.
SuperFly Original
Science destroys the environment? a bit broad sighted there
Bailey Kosky
Bailey Kosky commented
Since the 17th century science has entered into the modern age of its development. Science, which is based upon the knowledge of five senses, has stunned the world with great astonishment. Particularly the last half of the previous century and the beginning of the present century have contributed much more regarding developments in the field of science and technology. It is also an accepted fact that science has very much revolutionized the world. It has made everything very easy and accessible. No doubt science has brought astonishing changes in the field of health, defense, education entertainment, communication and social life. The conclusion can be drawn as the present world has been changed into a global village via communication advancement. No one gets bore by having the cheapest and easiest means of entertainment. This he enjoys only through science, similarly almost any new disease can be cured easily before spreading in the other places.
SuperFly Original
who is that for? all that plagiarism
Roger Macario Profile
Roger Macario answered

Science and technology has also got disadvantages along its great advantages. It also includes some disastrous disadvantages which can be a great harm for us. It has such disadvantages which can destroy us and our habitat easily. Its disadvantages has ruined our life and we have become addicted to use it and the more we use it the more its disadvantages effects.

thanked the writer.
Charles Davis
Charles Davis commented
So, you're saying we need to go back to the horse and buggy days? Days when blood letting was a medical treatment? When people died in all forms of illnesses that are cured today or even extinct, when women died in childbirth and most babies died before the age of 5? Days when you needed something you had to wait nearly a year for it to be delivered?
Michael Poland Profile
Michael Poland answered

There is an advantage in everything,

Knowledge is learning therefore good.

Duane Petter Profile
Duane Petter answered

When Science forgets the Eastern philosophy/practices, etc.  When science forgets the use of heart. When it's use primarily for world domination and amassing wealth. When Science becomes a selfish tool for self-glorification.

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