First of all, inductive research is based on inductive reasoning or thought which turns a simple observation or thought into a general theory. In other words it takes one piece of information and tries to generalise it from there. A researcher’s thought path goes from the specific to general and a hypothesis is formed.
Deductive research however, is sort of the opposite of inductive but then again, it isn’t quite. Deductive research takes a lot of information that a researcher may have gathered or general information such as theories, laws or a principle and tries to draw a conclusion directly from that. A deductive thought transforms general theory into a specific hypothesis that a researcher is able to test and prove right or wrong. If the hypothesis is proved to be true or correct, then you may also say that the general idea that sparked the hypothesis is also true.
Neither one of these methods of research is necessarily better than the other, however both have their advantages and disadvantages depending on what research you are conducting. In interpersonal relationships inductive research tends to be the method that is used the most however for general scientific research, deductive research is more popular and the better one to use.