
What Are The Three Distinct Steps For Perceptual Process?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Perceptual process has 3 steps that includes selection, organization and interpretation.

Selection – Selection of which data will gain our attention.

Organization – Meaningful way to make sense.

Interpretation – Interpret every interpersonal act.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1. Exposure  The degree to which a person notices a stimuli that is within range of their sensory receptors.  Most Stimuli that we notice is “self-selected” i.e. We have mentally tuned out those stimuli that we don't “need” to notice  Due to level of Advertising stimuli marketers have to become more creative to get their messages noticed.  Attention to a message only means that the consumer have noticed it, not that he will pay any attention to it.    2. Attention  The extent to which “processing” activity is devoted to a particular stimulus  3 Factors determine attention:  Individual  Internal factors – Personality, Motivation, Previous experience  Stimulus  External factors – Size, Position, Intensity, Color, Contrast, Motion, Repetition, Novelty, Familiarity  Situation  Context in which the stimuli is seen/heard    3. Interpretation  The meaning that people assign to a Stimuli or the interpretation of the stimuli.  Interpretation tends to happen according to existing beliefs, attitudes, disposition and previous experiences  Interpretation is selective i.e.. We filter or screen out certain bits of info:  Mis-indexing – way customers categorize the message  Distorting – warping of message to fit in with likes, dislikes, prejudices or attitudes    4. Memory  The recall of the message and its content at a later stage  Factors that affect recall:  Positive sleeper effect – Consumer re-act positive although unconvinced of message  Boomerang effect – Consumer acts negatively although convinced of message  Overcrowded file space – Confusion re the message due to high level of marketing noise in environment
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Name  define, and discuss the treatmeat for three kinds of focusing problems
Nada Profile
Nada answered
This all start with feature analysis for positioning research; from which advertisers should have the ability to describe the most relative attributes of their products. They can create a map of the market place that locates their product in relation to competitors' products' positions. (The map can have the same layout as the B.C.G Matrix table)
For existing products, the decision should be to either reinforce the current position, or move towards the favored one. An important part of the strategy is to consider or and integrate other elements of marketing communication, like Public Relations and Sales Promotions, with the strategy.

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