
Where Is Pea Soup Fog Found?


5 Answers

Lakshmipriya Nair Profile
Pea soup is an idiom or popular expression used to describe fog. It is used to describe any type of thick fog but specifically it denotes to yellow smog. This type of fog is caused due to the burning of soft coal. It is very common in several places of UK like London and other big cities with lot of industrial development. It is called pea soup because of its yellow colour which is familiar in a soup made of peas.

Pea soup fog is caused due to a mixture of dirt and smoke and is caused a result of heavy industry and coal fires which were very common in London during the early 20th century which gave rise to this term and originated in London. At that time it was so frequent that the government had to try and clean the city during which the coal fires were banned. Fortunately the pea soups are not so common nowadays.
Alan Profile
Alan answered
The Pea Soup Fog originated in London. Basically means very thick fog.  Thick as Pea soup, Cause its about the thickest soup there was..Bit too thick for me..Nice with bacon in it and watered down with a Knor Cube.

Lol, hope this helps
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

It is smog that is found mainly in London

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In bob =land

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