
What Is The Current Business And Economic Situation In Pakistan?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What is current inflation situation in pakistan?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Current situation of Pakistan economy is very bad. Due to recent natural disaster I-e flood has affected Pakistan economy, due to flood, crop production has been completely destroyed and there is no export, due to dearth of export, the reserve ratio is very low, and interest rate are very high, value of pakistani currency decreasing day by day, due to high interest rate stock market has been affected very badly means security values are decreasing
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

the current economic situation of Pakistan is critical because of the terrorism and the uncertain situation. Investors are reluctant to invest farther in this present scenario. Therefor it has a bad effect on the economy of Pakistan.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Current situation of pakistan
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Pakistan is on the dead line .if our government and we will not do some thing to improve our economical situation .other wise other country will rule us
d ds Profile
d ds answered
Regarding what you need to know current situation of Pakistan. Political situation of Pakistan seems to be in trouble because of foreign bombings in Northern areas, Security situation is still worse with fear of bombings, Social problems include increasing street crimes, abuses against women, child labor, increasing inflation with people bearing still low income.
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Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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