
How Fast Does The Earth Spin Around In Mph? Why Don't We Get Dizzy From This Speed?


19 Answers

Aun Jafery Profile
Aun Jafery answered
The speed of the earth is a relative term, for instance if a person were Santa Clause and lived at the North Pole it would be zero. On the equator of the earth however, where the earth is fattest or broadest it is around one thousand six hundred and seventy kilometres per hour or one thousand and thirty eight miles per hour. The reason for this is because speed is measured by using the formula of distance upon time. In other words speed is roughly the distance that is covered during a said time frame. It is a known fact that the earth takes twenty four hours to complete one rotation round its equator. Since a person standing on any given point of the same longitude will take the same amount of time for one spin the distance that is covered determines the speed.
Lloyd Bellodo Profile
Lloyd Bellodo answered
Our rotational speed on Earth at 40 deg. N is more or less 600 mph. Which is obviously pretty fast.
We can't get dizzy because of the gravitational pull of the Earth. The Earth cleverly maintains us in our position while rotating on its axis and revolving around the sun.
And besides... it can be helpful to remember that God created the all the things in the Universe in harmony
thanked the writer.
View all 6 Comments
Anonymous commented
Gods created everything with good intentions! He didn't tell people to go rape and murder others but stupid people seem to want to stray off of his path and do things such as rapes and murders and without those NATURAL disasters our earth would not function properly and another thing god did not create the dictionary humans did and humans are also the cause for all the terrible things going on in this world so open your eyes and get your facts strait!
SuperFly Original
lol that first one killed me
SuperFly Original
Back to my time travel machine
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Around the sun
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The gravity is very strong and holds us.If you look very closely and stand still,you can see the rotation of the earth/planet.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The Earth spins at about 600 mph. We don't get dizzy because we are spinning at a constant speed and Earth has a strong gravitational pull.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Congratulation to all of you who actually know the truth about God creating the earth and everything in it. It doesn't surprise me that these atheists on here say the things they do. There IS such a thing as believing without having to prove something such as who made the earth. Everything negative that was said on here about our God is just sweet confirmation that the mindless people whom have never been educated on the subject will say the stupidest, most argumentative stuff to try to throw a wrench in God's goodness.  Get a bible and read it. Believe it.  Don't worry about who created what.

If you believe nothing happens to your body or soul when you die, then what would it hurt to have believed in God???? That's right you can say it...NOTHING! The worst that could happen that your body will rot just like everyone elses.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well Let me give you a more scientific answer.
Let's assume that the dizziness is related to the centripetal force from spinning.
Angular velocity of the earth spinning is about 2*pi / (24*3600) = 7.2722 * 10 ^-5
Earth's radius is about 6378 km = 6378000 m
applying those numbers in to the formula a = r*w^2 gives us a = 0.0349 ms^-2

a is centripetal acceleration, which is required to maintain your motion in circle.
From the calculation, we can see that the magnitude is quite small : In a motion of circle of radius 1 m, angular velocity of 0.186 rad/s will give you such magnitude. 0.186 rad/s will take you approx. 33 seconds to complete a cycle. Imagine you are walking in a circle of radius 1 m in 33 seconds. Will you feel dizzy? Your answer is there.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We don't get dizzy because the Earth spins to fast we can't feel it although we are still moving
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
GOD has created all and one day every one will know the Truth. I just hope it is not to late for all that don't believe now. GOD is love and he just wants to love you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Haches answer is more the correct one... Gravity has a part in holding us down, but it is We don't get dizzy because we are moving at a constant speed in relation to the earth (not the universe as the universe is not rotating with us) A bit like dabbing your brakes abruptly on the motor way to slow down by a few miles and hour when someone cuts us up we feel the pull of our body forwards. Likewise If the earth slowed down by a couple of miles per hour abruptly; regardless of gravitational pull, we would be thrown off our feet or even into the air. This is because we are going so fast and the earth is so large a slight abrupt change in speed would be catastrophic. The earth does slow down slightly every century but it is very subtle that we don't notice it.... It slows about 2.2seconds every 100,000 years..... Not really like dabbing your brakes on the motor way.... :-)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The god bit isn't true because you can't prove he is real but scientist prove that earth spin way it does so that human don't get dizzy and a correct gravitational pull is created so that we stay on earth.
thanked the writer.
Lloyd Bellodo
Lloyd Bellodo commented
And who created and put things in harmony (like the gravitational pull that you believe)?

The things around us is created by God as the Bible says in Romans 1:19-20

Because the thing which may be known of God is clearly revealed within them, for God revealed it to them. For the unseen things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being realized by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, for them to be without excuse.
Sickness ness Profile
Sickness ness answered
It takes 1 year to take a FULL circle around the sun.

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Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thanks for the information that was actually on the subject
Believing in science doesn't contradict God. If there is a God he would want us to achieve all of our capabilities and to live our lives to the best of our abilities.  Blind following of book as written or should I say edited by a failing Roman Empire to serve their own needs while destroying the rest of the ancient world knowledge should be read with a pinch of salt. Catholicism means unification in English.
Even Christ’s own disciples questioned him. How can you have free will if you follow words in a collection of a book that more than often contradict the next book?  Why are so many texts left out of the bible? Well it didn't suit the Empire. Plus you spend so much time fighting each other it's untrue. Will god forgive suicide bombers? People who persecute in his name? People who wage war and intolerance on their fellow men? I find it funny that most major western and middle eastern religions worship the same God head but with different rules, prophets, diets etc. And yet you still kill each other in the same name.
I think he will have a lot more time for free thinking souls who question how everything works and seek to educate and find meaning in the world he gave us.
Why fear others belief or lack of so strongly if you are so secure in yours? You should offer your opinion in a non negative or judgemental way and accept you have one belief and they have another or non it does not doom them to hell. Society and its people have grown a little but not load lol in 2000 years although our technology has. The simple rules and the stories of hell are like the stories of boogie men to stop your kids playing in dangerous places. The bible is an exaggeration that the common mind could cling to. In order to act in a nicer manner, stop slaying each other and stealing wife’s etc. And even if it was from God it was told to a man and mankind has a funny knack of getting the details wrong.
Any path that you walk through life that leads to a better world is a noble one. Life and let live and try to find the wonder of creation that is love even if it all ends in divorce lol.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I HAVE studied the bible, I was raised in a strong christian home my whole life. Yes, believing in something blindly does cause harm. That's how the holocaust happened people blindly following Hitlers orders. If god wants to see me burn in hell for all eternity becasue I don't want to believe in something that was written 2000yrs ago then he can have at it. I am not going to follow something blindly. In gods eyes you wouldn't be saved if you weren't pure in heart just acting like you believe anyway. So screw you and your doctrine as it has no bearing on my life.

Yes the earth spins anywhere from 600mph to 1039mph depending on your proximity to the equator. Although, this doesn't take into acct that we are also orbiting around the sun just the earths rotation. The Physics are amazing but doesn't neccesarrly dictate the need for a god. If anything I believe in Pantheism....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well if God created this and that, then who created God?  There has to be a beginning of everything, God didn't just appear one day and say "I want to make something".  Maybe God is some kid who wanted to make something and we're his little experiment.  Who knows.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Who wrote the bible? Or is it an autobiography? And if it isn't how would a person on earth know what god wants to say to put it in print for others to read? It amazes me the people are brought up to believe a book that they have no idea who wrote it. Or I guess those people also brought it from "heaven" or some bullcrap. People have to be brainwashed to believe the bible and I feel sorry for you fools.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
"""and who created and put things in harmony (like the gravitational pull that you believe)?
The things around us is created by God as the Bible says in Romans 1:19-20"""

Please go and kill yourself now you delusional fool so that you don't spread your idiotic genes on.

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