What Is The Speed Of Light And Sound?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Speed of light: Air- 300000000m/s
  Water- 200000000m/s
Speed of sound: Air- 340m/s
  Water- 1500m/s
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The speed of light is 300,000 km per second. The speed of sound is different depending on what material it is traveling through.
Mary Frederick Profile
Mary Frederick answered
Prior to the 17th century scientists believed light travelled in (no time). Since, none were successful in measuring the speed of light the conclusion was the speed of light could not be determined. However, in1667 Galileo determined to prove the speed of light could be measured. With the help of his assistant, two lamps and a water clock, Galileo using deductive reasoning concluded, light travels ten times faster than sound.

In 1675 Ole Roemer, a Danish astronomer, used a different method to determine the speed of light is 200,000 Km/sec. His conclusion was reached by studying the Jupiter moons and their orbital velocities in relation to the Earth's orbit.

In 1728 James Bradley, an English physicist, using stellar aberration, meaning he using the apparent positions changes of stars to be due to the motion of the Earth as it moved around the sun. His theory was the ratio of the earth orbits of the sun, to the speed of light, proved the speed of light in vacuum, is 301,000 Km/sec.

Next came, Hippolyte Louis Fizeau who said in 1849 the speed of light is 313,300 Km/sec. Fizeau was a French physicist and by the speed of a toothed wheel, rapidly spinning the reflection light beam off a mirror five miles away made determining the speed of light a simple task.

In 1926, Leon Foucault also a French physicist using a method similar to Fizeau's method, however he used two mirrors to prove his theory. Faoucault used a rotating mirror and a stationery mirror and measured the light as it bounced from one to the other. He concluded light travels at 299, 796 Km/sec. Today, 299,792.458 Km/sec is believed to be the speed of light.

Sir Isaac Newton, first to analyze the speed of sound and determined the are variables in the speed of sound. Newton tested the speed of sound, at sea level air in ambient temperatures. His calculation, 99ft/sec was corrected by Laplace whose test measured 1116 ft/sec. Weather disturbances can interfere with testing results. There is not just one speed of sound, speed is determined by many variables, no one answer suits all.

The speed of sound means the distance sound waves will travel in a given number of seconds. Not all sound waves travel at the same speed, the properties of the medium determine the speed of sound travelling through the medium. Sound will travel faster through an open door, than through a closed door, the medium affects the rate of speed.

Sound waves travelling through solids, liquids and gases will travel at different speeds in the same amount of time. The speed of sound can be determined in relation to thunder, lightening claps and all sorts of sounds, but the speed of sound for each is not the same. The speed of sound varies. For more information go to wikepedia.com
thanked the writer.
MD H commented
One of the remaining assumptions is that light is a static constant. Einstein's relativity, E=mc^2, where E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light, does not require a static light constant to hold true, theoretically. Our observations have been predictable since the tools have become advanced enough, but that does not preclude a change in the speed of light in the future, our ability to alter the speed (yes we have done this on a limited scale already, both plus and minus) gravity's ability to "bend" spacetime and therefore light, and what the speed of light was at the big bang, and shortly after. Of course, the big bang as well, is only a theory, and not an absolute truth.

There may be many bangs, or a series of bangs, or something else altogether. We do not know, there are only prevailing theories to subscribe to. We really know very, very little about the nature of the universe we live in. As any scientist worth their salt will tell you, it is not about what we know, but what we are able to observe reliably. Anything beyond that is in the realm of speculation, philosophy, and religion.

I don't know about you, but my car, cellphone, microwave, etc. don't operate on a philosophy. They don't care if you read the Koran, Torah, Bible, DarmaPadda or anything else. They just work, and they are based upon scientific principles, such as energy storage and binary math.

Let's thank God that we are able to reliably observe the world we live in. As far as I can tell, however you do that is cool with "him" as long as you don't trample the rights of others and act justly.
alex diamaat Profile
alex diamaat answered

3.0*10^8m/s^ Speed of light .

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you see a lightening flash and the sound hits you in 10 seconds, how far away is the storm or lightening strike

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