
Does A Ball Roll Farther On Grass Or On Dirt?


13 Answers

David Gill Profile
David Gill answered
This is really hard to say. Throwing a ball on two different kinds of surfaces will produce two different results, primarily because of two forces that will be inflicted on the ball. The first force will be the kinetic force that you inflict in the ball when you actually throw the ball. This is the driving force that makes the ball move.

The other force that will have a huge effect on whether or not the ball will roll very far is friction, and this is the force which occurs when two objects rub together. For a good example of this, rub your hands together. If you push your hands together as you rub, you will feel that it’s more difficult to move your hands. This is because of friction. You may also feel that your hands are getting warmer. This is the friction energy being turned into heat energy and the pressure is applied between the two different surfaces.

So, this experiment would depend on a number of things. How big is the ball? If the ball is small, then it could easily find it difficult to remain rolling in the grass. If you are throwing a ball the size of a marble on grass or dirt, then the marble will roll much further on the dirt. This is because there are no things in the way of the object during its trajectory path.

If you are throwing something like a soccer ball, however, then things might be different. The results can’t really be predicted, as the difference between dirt and grass when you’re throwing a ball is really rather small. A ball should find it easy to travel over either of these surfaces as they provide minimal friction and a relatively flat surface in order to keep on rolling.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
On the dirt because the grass is softer so it will absorb some of the speed and that will slow the ball down unlike dirt cause on dirt if its hard than it will roll farther. NEWTONS 1ST LAW.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It would depend.  The ball will roll faster on the path of least resistance.  If the grass is cut very short and surface is even and dry, there could be less resistance than if the dirt were most and not compact or even/flat.  Again, it depends on the condition of the surface and which one offers the  path and surface of least resistance.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Where doe a ball rolls farther on grass or dirt
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Dirt because grass can stop movement
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think a ball rolls faster on grass than on dirt because grass is softer than dirt and dirt is harder and dirty . I also think that because it rolls on a groomed green than it does on beach sand.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A ball would roll farther on dirt because the grass blades slows the ball down the farther it goes down the hill.
Winter Profile
Winter answered
If it's your science project then I think you should be conducting an experiment to answer your question, love.

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