
Where Is The Saltiest Sea In The World?


8 Answers

Mehreen Misbah Profile
Mehreen Misbah answered
Containing around 116000000 tons of salt, the Dead sea is the saltiest sea on the face of this Earth. A big lake located in South-West Asia, the Dead sea is surrounded by Jordan on its Northern side while the southern half is divided between Jordan and Israel.

Area-wise the Dead sea covers an area of 394 square miles. The ratio of salt in the Jordan sea is 35:100000 and it flows into the Dead sea adding 850000 tons of salt to the total on an annual basis.

The lake surface level is the lowest sheet of water on earth lying below 1302 feet below the Mediterranean. As compared to the water level in winter, the summer beholds a clear negative difference of 10 to 15 feet. This fall in water level is in strong attribution to main reasons. The first one is the absence of rain and the second one is a high rate of evaporation.

Nevertheless despite of all these facts and the dearth of hotels there, tourists come to this area because of the warm climate, the vivid feel of history and the exquisite natural scenery there.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The first is the dead sea while the second is the mediterranean
James Wheeler Profile
James Wheeler answered
The Dead Sea is first, then The Mediterranean
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Not the dead sea
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Salt lake cityy Durr lolz haahaha...btw I mean the lake in that ciTy not da actual cityy kk

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