
Explain The Channels Of Distribution Of Consumer Goods?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
risk taking
physical distribution
abdul rehman Profile
abdul rehman answered
A market can be classified as follows on the basis of volume of business, nature of transaction, position of seller, area, contents of transaction, etc.
On the basis of volume of transaction:
The market can be divided into two kinds on the basis of volume of business transaction.
Wholesale market:
It is the market where the middlemen buy the goods in bulk form the producers and manufacturers.
Retail market:
It is that market where goods are sold in small quantity directly to the consumer.

On the basis of nature of transaction:
The market can be divided into two kinds on the basis of nature of business transaction.
Spot market:
The spot market is a ready market where the sellers on the spot physically hand over goods to the buyers. There is an exchange of goods for money at the same time.
Future market:
It is a market in which the buyers and sellers make agreement for delivery of goods in future. The contract is made on a certain date but the goods will be delivered in future.

On the basis of position of seller:
A market can be divided into the following three kinds on the basis of position of seller.
Primary market:
This is the market where the producers of goods sell their farm products to the wholesalers and their agents.
Secondary market:
This is the market where the wholesalers sell their goods to the retailers for onward selling to the consumer. The middlemen buy goods from producers and manufacturers and sell to the retailers.
Terminal market:
It is the market where goods are purchased for final use or consumption. The retailers sell their goods to consumers.

On the basis of area:
A market can be divided into the following four kinds on the basis of area.
Local market:
The local market is a place for the purchase and sale of different goods within the city. The buyers and sellers of one city assemble to buy and sell.
Regional market:
It consists of many cities and districts of a particular area. The buyers and sellers of different villages, cities and districts assemble to buy and sell the different commodities.
National market:
It consists of the whole area of country. The buyers and sellers from all over the country take part in buying and selling.

International market:
It consists of the whole world. The buyers and sellers from the whole world meet and exchange their foods and services. The commodities can be bought and sold at different places in the world.

Commodity market:
It is a market where the different types of commodities are bought and sold. The wheat, rice, etc are the commodities that are exchanged by the buyer and sellers.

Money market:
It is a market where the financial institutions deal in money. The banks and financial institution are engaged in borrowing and lending of funds.

Stock exchange market:
It is a market where shares and debentures of different companies are bought and sold.

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