
What Makes An Earthquake Happen?


56 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well you can get pretty good idea of what causes an earthquake from thinking about what happens in earthquake. During an earthquake, there is a trembling of the ground. It is the trembling of the earth which may cause buildings to fall. So an earthquake is a trembling or vibration of earth's surface.

What makes it happen? Well, the rock of the earth's crust may have a defect, a kind of break in the crust. The earth blocks shift. Sometimes the sides of the fault move up and down against each other. At other times, the sides of the fault shift lengthwise.

But when one rock mass has rubbed on another with great force and friction, we have a lot of energy being used. The vast energy that comes from the rubbing is changed to vibration in the rocks. The vibration is what we feel as an earthquake. And this vibration may travel thousands of miles.The reason earthquakes take place in certain regions frequently and almost never in other regions, is that the faults in the earth crust are located in these regions.

An earthquake occurs right from the surface of the earth known as the crust, which is separated into sections known as plates. They are constantly moving, however if one of the plates moves over another one then it will continually build up more and more energy until it needs to be released. When the energy is being released the two plates touch, which creates the basis of an earthquake. When the plates come into contact it is known as the fault line. However, an earthquake can occur from the energy released from a strong volcanic eruption as well as man-made explosions.

The mass of energy reaches its focal point which usually happens in the depths of the earth's surface and reacts with the earth's surface known as the epicentre. Once this occurs, seismic waves will begin to emerge in a number of directions and various speeds through the earth's crust with an enormous amount of energy. This ultimately creates a shaking of the earth which is the feeling of an earthquake. The strengths of earthquakes differ depending on the size and energy of the seismic waves, as you know that some cause barely any damage at all whereas others can cause buildings to crumble.
temuzion victory Profile
The natural cause for the earthquake is the re-adjustment of layers according to 'The Plate Tectonic theory'. It's also caused by depletion of under-ground water resources because such excess depletion will lead to form a gap in the position of water. To replace the gap, the Earth needs to needs to get some thing from the crust
Denise Uy Profile
Denise Uy answered
In the ocean there are also volcanoes. Under each mass of land is water and their could be volcanoes there. When these volcanoes deep under the sea erupt , they cause seismic waves. when these seismic waves touch the mass of land above it, it then causes an earthquake.

The harder the volcano erupts, the bigger seismic waves will be created and a bigger earthquake will be produced.

Remember the killer tsunami that hit Thailand. It was made because of a big explosion that happened under the sea.
It resulted to a tsunami because the seismic waves didn't hit land.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is when two tech-tonic plates shifting under the earths surface, also trembling or vibrations of the earths surface. Your welcome:)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Two templates under ground roughly rub together and they rub so hard, they fastly break and it stars an earthquake
Denise Uy Profile
Denise Uy answered
There are volcanoes under the sea. When they erupt, they cause these waves called seismic waves. When these waves touch the land above it, it causes the land to shake and that is what we call the earthquake. The bigger the eruption of the volcanoes the bigger the earthquake will be.

A tsunami is also caused by a big explosion or eruption of the volcanoes. The difference is that the tsunami doesn't touch land so it's bare water. And also the bigger the explosion will be the bigger the tsunami will get; because the pressure under water rises.
d ds Profile
d ds answered
Earthquake is the result of seismic waves, which are caused by at once release of energy from Earth's crust. Theory of plate tectonics explain earthquakes more. According to this theory, Earth's plates are raft above a molten layer which is about 60 miles deep, where edges of these plates meet, stress build up and earthquake starts shaking earth's surface.
Visit Earthquake causes or Earthquake reasons for graphical view.
Also visit:
Blurtit reference-How earthquake happens!
attz malik Profile
attz malik answered
Earthquake is sudden releases of energy which results into ground shaking or vibrations of the ground. When energy stored in the earth releases as a result of certain kind of stresses and strain effects, it results into an Earthquake. The earth quake is generated by waves. When two blocks of rocks on both sides of fault slip suddenly resulting into vibrations.

Normally earthquake occurs at the plate boundaries, which is the region of the earth crust or upper mantle boundary where the most breakage take place. Whenever there is slippage if block at the time of earthquake suddenly resulting into intense kind of vibration known as seismic waves (from Greek word seismic meaning shock or earthquake).the energy waves travel from the focus point of the earth just like as ripple marks produced on the surface of water.

If it is near epicenter, it result into more sever land and ground shaking. According to seismologist report almost 1 million small earth quakes are detected whereas large earthquake occurs once after few years.

In the last 500 years, millions of people have been killed by earthquake throughout the world. Earthquake affect the land, damage to the property, buildings create tsunami. Study of earthquakes is known as Seismology and person who studies that subject is known as Seismologist.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Some times Earth quakes are caused by very poor land. Under our ground has water under it. If we drink it or use it all, the water will be gone so we will have a earth quake. It may also be caused by bad and weak material, Or that part of land is very old

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
An earthquake is caused by the focus under the water that is when trembles of water come frome the focus up to the surface and from that there is shock waves and it travels along the water to the land and then from the land the earthquake starts.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
An earthquake starts by an under water volcano eruption then it cases extreme waves , and the vibration is very strong and that's how it starts.
Rebecca Profile
Rebecca answered
Plates. When the earth's plates move, it causes a massive crack on the surface.  It moves because of pressure under water.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When my buddy josh jumps up and then crashes to the ground causing the plates to move and build pressure which causes the earth to move
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its prussure, the plates underground and volcanos. Sometimes volcanos happen and when the erupe it could make the earth move and thats what makes earthquake. And did you guys felt the earthquake? 5.0 and turned into, 4.7. Good thing there a not tornados in California.
gregory jordan Profile
gregory jordan answered
When we take all the earth resoureses out we leave a space between the earth layers and over time these layers callaspe causeing great movement in the tictronic plate
Cheetah03 don't know Profile
To make an earthquake there must be plates moving the other way and causes the ground to seprate. They also cause the earth to shake.  To look at other website click here. Thank you for reading.
Xavier William Profile
Xavier William answered
Earthquakes are caused by the tectonic plates. These plates move and smash into each other. Sometimes these plates gather pressure from rubbing against each other and the pressure is released causing the earthquake.
The two plates are moving in opposite directions or if they are running into each other (thrust fault) at one point or another they get stuck. Over time more and more energy builds up as these two plates don`t move and at one point or another it ends up popping and all the movement that hasn`t been happening while the two were stuck happens all at once. When this happens and the energy is released into waves through the earth causing the earthquake. So it starts on the fault line where the two plates move suddenly on the tectonic plates underlying there area.

Most naturally occurring earthquakes are related to the tectonic nature of the Earth. Such earthquakes are called tectonic earthquakes. The Earth's lithosphere is a patch work of plates in slow but constant motion caused by the heat in the Earth's mantle and core. Plate boundaries glide past each other, creating frictional stress. When the frictional stress exceeds a critical value, called local strength, a sudden failure occurs. The boundary of tectonic plates along which failure occurs is called the fault plane. When the failure at the fault plane results in a violent displacement of the Earth's crust, the elastic strain energy is released and elastic waves are radiated, thus causing an earthquake.
Steve Theunissen Profile
Simply stated, an earthquake is a shaking or quaking of the earth. There have been numerous conjectures about their causes. Ancient Japanese mythology blamed the movement of a spider that carried the earth on its back. Mongolians anciently attributed earthquakes to the unsteady support of a giant hog.
Even in comparatively recent times scientific theories as to their cause have come and gone. Today, earthquakes are believed to result from a sudden dislocation in the earth's crust. But one view gaining wider acceptance is that the earth's crust is not rigid, but is made up of a series of "plates" that move over the earth's "mantle."
According to this view, when these "plates" (which are several miles thick) collide, one slides under the other, bending rocks in the process. In other cases, the horizontal action of these "plates" passing one another exerts tremendous pressure on crystal rock. Such movements occur along a "fault" or fracture in the earth's surface. Then, it is believed, when the crust can no longer tolerate the strain, it "snaps" into a new position.
Ziad  Khan Profile
Ziad Khan answered
The short answer is that earthquakes are caused by faulting, a sudden lateral or vertical movement of rock along a rupture (break) surface.
    Here's the longer answer: The surface of the Earth is in continuous slow motion. This is plate tectonics--the motion of immense rigid plates at the surface of the Earth in response to flow of rock within the Earth. The plates cover the entire surface of the globe. Since they are all moving they rub against each other in some places (like the San Andreas Fault in California), sink beneath each other in others (like the Peru-Chile Trench along the western border of South America), or spread apart from each other (like the Mid-Atlantic Ridge). At such places the motion isn't smooth--the plates are stuck together at the edges but the rest of each plate is continuing to move, so the rocks along the edges are distorted (what we call "strain"). As the motion continues, the strain builds up to the point where the rock cannot withstand any more bending. With a lurch, the rock breaks and the two sides move. An earthquake is the shaking that radiates out from the breaking rock.
Hassan Raza Profile
Hassan Raza answered
The Earth's Lithosphere is divided into 15 major Tectonic Plates of various sizes. These plates float on the partially molten Astheno sphere below, and it is because they are floating that they have the freedom to move horizontally. The theory of plate tectonics assumes that each plate behaves as a rigid unit, deforming only at its edge. The edges, or margins can diverse, converge or slide past one another. But there is a very little change anywhere in the middle of a plate. Actually some of the Earth's most dynamic features, such as volcanoes and earthquakes define the boundaries of the main plates.

The cause of the Earthquake is, when plate boundaries are the most tectonically active parts of the Earth, they are where most mountain building, Earthquakes and volcanoes occur. An Earthquake occurs when the edges of two plates suddenly slide past each other along a fault line. The severity of an earthquake is measured on the Richter scale. It is logarithmic, so each additional point represents a tenfold increase in severity. The key to plate tectonic is that the surface of the earth exists in a state of equilibrium and it provides a global frame work that successfully explains many of the structural and geophysical phenomenon a on the earth's surface ranging from mountain building and earth quakes to continental drift. Even though the mechanics of earthquakes are understood, accurate prediction of their occurrence has remained beyond reach.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Earthquake is the result of seismic waves, which are caused by at once release of energy from Earth's crust. Theory of plate tectonics explain earthquakes more. According to this theory, Earth's plates are raft above a molten layer which is about 60 miles deep, where edges of these plates meet, stress build up and earthquake starts shaking earth's surface.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A earthquake happens when there is a movement in the earth's crust which up to the floor's surface and it make's the floor move.
In a earthquake, you should get out of your house as soon as possible ( that is , if your in the house).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Basicly :

How does an earthquake start?
Earthquakes usually start when the worlds’ tectonic plates grind together making a huge amount of vibration through the earth causing it to create an earthquake
Karolina Profile
Karolina answered
There are these plutonic plates underground and they move when the lock together thats when pressure builds up under ground and after some time that pressure is relysed and it travels up to the earth surfase and that when there is movement in  on the ground that how earthquakes happen
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
By two tectonic earth plates rubbing together to cause friction to the earths core.
patrick mc mullan Profile
The crust of the earth is made of plates which are constantly moving. Some of these plates have faults which fracture, and the plates collide causing an earthquake.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
2 plates starts to move along,then they hit each other by trying to go past,it releases some energy and earthquakes start.I know this is little but I'm only in Gr.4,tee-he
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
By tectonic plates crashing against each other which also made land or our countries move over time ever since
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I really  don't no hahahaha I'm just a stupid 6th graded  my name is haley anderson yupp
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A earthquake is caused when two   layers are rubbing up together and there is no friction and eventually the tectonic plait will snap which will cause the earthquake which will then cause floods and tsunamis.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There   volcanoes   under   the    sea .  WHEN   THEY    ERUPT    THAT    CAUSE   THE    waves   called   seismic   waves.   When   the    waves    touch   the   land    above   it    causes  
the   land   to    shake     and    that    is  what    we    call   the   earthquake.  The   bigger  the
eruption    of   the   volcanoes   the    bigger    the    Earthquake   will   be.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You may feel the ground shaking but appart from that there isn't a detectable warning.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The cracks in earths crust below you will fill up with water making a soft ground in which when the movement of earths plates shift you get more damge form an earthquake.

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