Cooked rice should be refrigerated within about one hour after cooking.
If you want to store cooked
rice, cool it quickly, keep it in the fridge - make sure your fridge is cold
enough (around 4ºC or a bit less) - and it should be OK for a couple of days. However, it’s not only a question of how long
you can leave it in the … Read more
These are my thoughts, but I haven't studied chemistry for over 40 years :-D
NaCl is an electrolyte when molten and also when placed in a solvent (water) to form an ionic solution.
Distilled water is not an electrolyte as it doesn't contain free ions.
I don't think hydrogen peroxide is an electrolyte. It spontaneously … Read more
The gyrus hippocampus ia a cinvolution on the interior surface of each cerebral hemisphere, lying between the hippocampal and collateral sulci.
There are elevations on the surface visible to the naked eye. These are called verrucae because of their similar appearance to the viral skin disease. However, they are not actually verrucae.
There are elevations on the surface visible to the naked eye. These are called verrucae because of their similar appearance to the viral skin disease. However, they are not actually verrucae.
I agree with getvet. The symptoms sound like hyperthyroidism. Other symptoms include restlessness and frequent vomiting. My 16 year old cat has had hyperthyroidism for almost6 years.
The vet wanted use radioactive iodine treatment to destroy the thyroid and then I would need to give the cat thyroxine medication for the rest of its life. … Read more
The vet wanted use radioactive iodine treatment to destroy the thyroid and then I would need to give the cat thyroxine medication for the rest of its life. … Read more
The first truly compound microscope was made around 1595 in Middelburg, Holland. Three different eyeglass makers have been given credit for the invention: Hans Lippershey, 1570 - 1619; Hans Janssen; and his son, Zacharias, 1580 - 1632. (Dates/details not complete as many records were destroyed during World War II.) … Read more
This is taken from the following link:
Shield volcanoes, with their gentle slopes and curved profile, are the largest of all volcanoes. They are built up from repeated basaltic flows, often beginning at the ocean floor. Basaltic magma has a relatively low silica content, allowing it to flow readily. As a result, shield volcanoes … Read more
Shield volcanoes, with their gentle slopes and curved profile, are the largest of all volcanoes. They are built up from repeated basaltic flows, often beginning at the ocean floor. Basaltic magma has a relatively low silica content, allowing it to flow readily. As a result, shield volcanoes … Read more
You haven't listed the compounds!!