
What Are The Examples Of How Convection Is Applied In Everyday Life?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It can happen while you are boiling water. The heat starts at the bottom and then slowly rises to the top. Then the cool water that was on the top goes down to the bottom and gets heated up. It then repeats the process. Convection moves in a circular motion.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Examples of Convection in daily life
One important mechanism of convection, whether in the air, water, or even the solid earth, is the convective cell, sometimes known as the convection cell. The latter may be defined as the circular pattern created by the rising of warmed fluid and the sinking of cooled fluid. Convective cells may be only a few millimeters across, or they may be larger than Earth itself.
These cells can be observed on a number of scales. Inside a bowl of soup, heated fluid rises, and cooled fluid drops. These processes are usually hard to see unless the dish in question happens to be one such as Japanese miso soup. In this case, pieces of soybean paste, or miso, can be observed as they rise when heated and then drop down into the interior to be heated again.
On a vastly greater scale, convective cells are present in the Sun. These vast cells appear on the Sun's surface as a grainy pattern formed by the variations in temperature between the parts of the cell. The bright spots are the top of rising convection currents, while the dark areas are cooled gas on its way to the solar interior, where it will be heated and rise again.
A cumulonimbus cloud, or "thunderhead," is a particularly dramatic example of a convection cell. These are some of the most striking cloud formations one ever sees, and for this reason the director Akira Kurosawa used scenes of rolling thunderheads to add an atmospheric quality (quite literally) to his 1985 epic Ran. In the course of just a few minutes, these vertical towers of cloud form as warmed, moist air rises, then cools and falls. The result is a cloud that seems to embody both power and restlessness, hence Kurosawa's use of cumulonimbus clouds in a scene that takes place on the eve of a battle.
Convective cells, along with convection currents, help explain why there is usually a breeze at the beach. At the seaside, of course, there is a land surface and a water surface, both exposed to the Sun's light. Under such exposure, the temperature of land rises more quickly than that of water. The reason is that water has an extraordinarily high specific heat capacity—that is, the amount of heat that must be added to or removed from a unit of mass for a given substance to change its temperature by 33.8°F (1°C). Thus a lake, stream, or ocean is always a good place to cool down on a hot summer day.
The land, then, tends to heat up more quickly, as does the air above it. This heated air rises in a convection current, but as it rises and thus overcomes the pull of gravity, it expends energy and therefore begins to cool. The cooled air then sinks. And so it goes, with the heated air rising and the cooling air sinking, forming a convective cell that continually circulates air, creating a breeze.
Convective cells also can exist in the solid earth, where they cause the plates (movable segments) of the lithosphere—the upper layer of Earth's interior, including the crust and the brittle portion at the top of the mantle—to shift. They thus play a role in plate tectonics, one of the most important areas of study in the earth sciences. Plate tectonics explains a variety of phenomena, ranging from continental drift to earthquakes and volcanoes. (See Plate Tectonics for much more on this subject.)
Whereas the Sun's electromagnetic energy is the source of heat behind atmospheric convection, the energy that drives geologic convection is geothermal, rising up from Earth's core as a result of radioactive decay. (See Energy and Earth.) The convective cells form in the asthenosphere, a region of extremely high pressure at a depth of about 60-215 mi. (about 100-350 km), where rocks are deformed by enormous stresses.
In the asthenosphere, heated material rises in a convection current until it hits the bottom of the lithosphere (the upper layer of Earth's interior, comprising the crust and the top of the mantle), beyond which it cannot rise. Therefore it begins moving laterally or horizontally, and as it does so, it drags part of the lithosphere. At the same time, this heated material pushes away cooler, denser material in its path. The cooler material sinks lower into the mantle (the thick, dense layer of rock, approximately 1,429 mi. [2,300 km] thick, between Earth's crust and core) until it heats again and ultimately rises up, thus propagating the cycle.

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