
Describe The Surface Of The Moon. What Are Tides?


4 Answers

Amen Bukhari Profile
Amen Bukhari answered
The moon is our nearest neighbor in space. The moon is a lifeless place. It has no air or water. Its surface is covered with rocks and dust. There are tall mountains and flat plains on the moon. There are also large round ditches called craters. Some of the craters are hundreds kilometers wide. Many of them have been made by large rocks fallings on the surface of the moon. If you look at the moon on full moon night, you can see light and dark areas. The dark areas are plains and the light ones are mountains. Craters of moon can be easily seen with a telescope.

Those of you who live in cities near the sea such as Karachi will know that tides are. A tide is a regular rise and fall of water in a sea or oceans. It occurs approximately every 12 hours. During high tide the water level rises. During low tide it goes down. Tides occur mainly because of the gravity of the moon. The gravity of the sun also affects the tides. Burt since the sun is very far off, it has very little effect.
Nathaniel Moir Profile
Nathaniel Moir answered

All I know is the moon has a flat plan and dark surface. The dark flat plan can be seen from earth I can't spell it's but i'll do my best marer.

The next topic is moon craturs I don't know much there is more than 100 000 craturs that is the wite bit of the moon seen from earth. That's all I know.

Shweta Parmar Profile
Shweta Parmar answered
The moon is our nearest neighbor in space. The moon is a lifeless place. It has no air or water. Its surface is covered with rocks and dust. There are tall mountains and flat plains on the moon. There are also large round ditches called craters. Some of the craters are hundreds kilometers wide. Many of them have been made by large rocks fallings on the surface of the moon. If you look at the moon on full moon night, you can see light and dark areas. The dark areas are plains and the light ones are mountains. Craters of moon can be easily seen with a telescope.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Filled with craters  dried up no atomosphere you can't breath  footprints everywhere you can't breath

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