
What Kind Of Soil Does A Plant Grow The Best In?


20 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Plants grow best in soils that contain no clay and have a lot of nutrients.
Shayne Hutcheson Profile
All soils are made up of inorganic materials (e.g. - bits of rock) and organic materials (e.g. - decomposed plants or animals). Healthy soils also contain air, water and microorganisms.

The texture of soil is made up of either silt, sand or clay. Clay is good for holding water but can be too tough for roots to get through. Sand drains well, but can also take away nutrients from your plant and it also dries very quickly. Silt in soil is similat to clay.

Loam is the best type of soil for you garden. It has just the right amounts of silt, sand and clay. When squeezed softly, it hold together, but when squeezed harder, it should crumble.

PH levels in soil are also very important. Plants mostly prefer to have the pH level at near neutral, so on the pH scale of 1 to 14, somewhere between 6.2 and 7.2 is good. You can buy a home soil testing kit to check what the pH level of your soil is. If your soil is acidic (somewhere between 1 and 6) you may need to add lime. If your soil is alkaline (somewhere between 8 and 14) you may need to add sulphur.

Adding organic materials or soil ammendments will help you to obtain the perfect soil. Soil ammendments such as composted manure, humus, top soil, mushroom compost and peat moss are all useful in obtaining the right mix for your soil. You should be able to pick up any of these from your local garening centre.

Ultimately, packaged soils from your local gardening centre are your best bet to get you the best results possible. There are half a dozen or so types, so depending on what you intend to use the soil for, a professional at the centre should be able to recommend the right one for you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Plants grow best in soils that contain air, and dead plants and animals.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It grows best in an garden with lots of nutrients and care
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The best soil to grow plants in is the best soil that has the right contains of what the plant need e.g if the soil need more water you might use clay because it has more water contains
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It grows best in an garden with lots of nutrients and care
J Profile
J answered
Different plants different soils

Sphagnum Moss (for instance ) wouldn't do well on a dry dusty soil (they prefer marshy conditions)

Likewise a desert cactus wouldn't survive very well in the Everglades, would it ?

So the answer would have to be ..

It's species specific to be scientific

(and poetic too LOL  :-)  )


Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Maybe any kind of soil can be good for the plants to grow in. But it's just an opinion
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Loam is good for planting. Loam is a mix of Sand, clay, and humus(Humus is dcayed plants and animals. Loam's properties, it hold water very well.  
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Simple answer... HAPPY FROG ORGANIC...Made by Fox farms out of Humboldt.
Pair with Grow Big fox farms fertilizer during Vegetative growth and use Tiger-bloom by fox farms for Flowering. Trust me...Oh if you want extra happy plants, buy a bottle of MAXI CROP its fish emulsion mixed with Norwegian sea kelp. But go easy on it.

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