Living in a multicultural society myself, there is a lot of competition, and for some reason prejudice. Don't ask me why but people love to hate anyone that is different. I guess it makes them feel better and not look at themselves if they focus on someone else. It is sad.I was at a local grocer and one woman commented you don't see indians working too often, there was an aboriginal butcher behind the counter. I hate the way people will say such things when they themselves could never do these things. So some will snicker and whisper, and say nasty things about others who come from different cultures. I believe strongly in assimilation, not just for so called different races, but for all, yes whites, as they seem to think they are superior. Don't worry, I'm just a crazy frenchwoman, well, carol is scottish but using her account right now. We all all equal but different. We all have something to contribute. And jokes in good taste should be allowed to lighten the mood. People are so afraid of being politically uncorrect, it ends up causing more tension and anger and resentment. I used to joke with the aboriginals in town, telling them jokes and they adored me saying hey, she's cool, because I was not afraid to tell them the jokes instead of whispering them behind their backs. P.s. Please go to bottom of page, contact us and ask to allow wilbert back on, thanks