
What Is Strip Farming?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The growing of a cultivated crop, such as cotton, and a sod-forming crop, such as alfalfa, in alternating strips following the contour of the land, in order to minimize erosion.strip cropping is the growing of a soil-exposing and erosion-permitting
crop in strips of suitable widths across the slopes on contour,alternating with strip of soil-protecting and erosion-resisting crop.Contour strip cropping shortens the length of the slope, checks the movement of run-off water, helps to de-silt it and increases the
absorption of rainwater by the soil. Further, the dense foliage of the erosion resistant crop prevents the rain from beating the soil surface directly. It is advisable to rotate the strip planting by showing a non-resistant crop, following an erosion-resistant crop and vice versa.

I. Groundnut, moth bean and horse gram are the most efficient and suitable crop for checking erosion.
Ii. The normal seed-rates of leguminous crop, other than groundnut do not give sufficiently dense canopies to prevent rain drops from beating
the soil surface
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Strip farming was a way to grow crops in straight lines in medieval Britain. The land was shared out equally to all members of the village and was a lot easier to maintain and harvest. Everyone would get some good and bad land so everyone could grow more high quality crops. Strip farming was also very good for the villagers as everyone had a job working on the stips. Therefore when they abandoned it in 1800's many people were out of a job and the food that was being grown on the more widescale farms was less available and less cheap.
Matthew Wong Profile
Matthew Wong answered
Strip farming is a type of pest control, if a pest is used to eating one crop in one specific place, the next season the farmers plant another crop in that specific place that pests don't like, the pests will go away.
Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
Strip Farming is the arrangement of the crops grown in fields into "strip" patterns to prevent wind erosion and loss of top soil. For details, click here

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