What's The Difference Between Oral And Written Communication?


18 Answers

Nicole Manion Profile
Nicole Manion answered
The difference is that oral communication is a way in which people talk using their mouths, and sound. Language allows us to talk to people by making a sound from our mouth and their ears picking up the sounds that we make.

Written communication is much different. This is a way of expressing what we are trying to say in the English alphabet - just like I am doing now. Essentially, these are the two most common ways in which people communicate in the Western world.

So what ways can be communicate orally? Obviously there's the traditional method of talking to each other face to face. This is the art of language and we do it every day. When you wake up and you see the news on the television, that's oral communication. They are talking over the television telling you what's going on in the world. Furthermore, when you ask for a cup of tea or somebody asks if you want some breakfast that is oral communication.

You can also communicate orally over the phone, too. The telephone allows you to communicate with people all over the world without having to resort to writing them letters. You can simply talk as if you would face to face. This is still oral communication.

Written communication is just as obvious. Written communication can be something like this answer. I'm communicating with you via text. A letter is also a perfect example of written communication. Letters have been written through hundreds of years using the English language, as well as many others that predate it. It's a great way of communicating long distance but can often lack emotion and feeling.

Thanks to the Internet and telephones it's now easier to communicate orally with people from all over the world.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oral communication is easily understandable to the audience but written can not be.
Oral is less professional but written is professional valued.
Quick feed back is possible in oral communication.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Advantages of oral and written communication
ayvid ayvid Profile
ayvid ayvid answered
In oral communication you talk directly(if not on the phone )your presentation is important and you can express your self more effectively,while witten communication takes a little time to reach the person ,the person who receives your information is not going to worry about your looks and you ought to be good with words to exactly express what you feel
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1. When message is exchanged in written form, it is called written communication. When message is exchanged oral, it is called oral communication.
2. The major media of written communication are litters memo,reports,notices etc. The major media of oral communication are face to face conversation, telephonic conversation, interview, meeting, conference etc.
3. In written communication formalities are maintained strictly. Formalities are not maintained strictly in oral communication.
4. Written communication expense time. Oral communication is less expense time.
Penny Kay Profile
Penny Kay answered
How about "The eyes have it" in the absence of visual clues, the writing needs to be clear and descriptive. Then the eyes must read the information, visual or written, the eyes have it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oral communication is with your mouth , speaking. Written communication is on paper, like directions, cards etc.
videhi patel Profile
videhi patel answered
Oral communication is possible only orally
and written communication is not possible just only oraly but it write on the peper
oral communication is time consuming
and written communication is not time consuming and its expenses
In communication way oral communication is not best way communication to any impottant topics
specially related to future because I am sure we are forget this metter
and written communication is best way in this situations to communication
oral communication is not more exepensive
and written communication is expensive but  its more useful today.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oral communication can be delivery quickly
In written communication time consuming.
Oral communication can be properly  understanding at that time.
Written communication first read the sentences then understanding.it is time consuming
Fabrizio Profile
Fabrizio answered
Oral communication is the one you do by voice another one is by written exp: Thelephone  is verbal. By e-mail written.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oral communication is a communication by word of mouth. Oral means "mouth". E.g. Speaking.

Written communication means "Communication by means of written symbols" e.g. Languages. Or traffic symbols, letter, or my answer to this question Etc etc.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are different means of communicating in this world.There  are a few advantages that are associated with oral communication over written communication.in oral communication we save our time,we talk face to face,oral communication can be recorded.sentences are shorter and self-referencing pronouns.oral communication does not need writing skills,it can be on the spot,it can be more personal than written communication
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Standing in frt of people and speaking presentation is oral.

Written is writing it down in black and white and sending either with email or snail mail or turning it in as in written homework
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oral communication can be formal or informal,depending upon theirexplicit and implicit purposes.An oral communication can be almost any report type,such as a design review,a proposal,or a conference talk.Written communication takes a little time to reach the person who received your information is not going  to worry about you looks.And it also on paper like direction cards,mails etc.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/speech/differences.htm, check this site for details about difference between oral and written communication.

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