I believe that iodine has the same attribute. It can be seen apparently
A Chemical Change From One State Of Matter To Another Is Called A "Phase Transistion", Usually Solid>liquid>gas. Name A Common Substance That Goes From Solid>gas Without Becoming A Liquid In Between, And Can You Name This Phenomenon?
Dry ice
Iodine can sublimate, its used by forensic scientists everywhere
Well I can't think a name that I know for it more than sublimation which you already know ,but could think of another sustance that we use daily,naphthalein balls or better know as moth balls that sre used to keep our clothes freshly smeeling alo sublimes.camphor when burnt also moves into gas phase immediately.
Also iodine & menthol . I would say that another term for sublimation might be vaporization.
Menthol, a chemical compound obtained from peppermint. What state of matter is it in when its a 45 C 60 C and 260 C