Why Is Weathering Important To The Process Of Erosion?


2 Answers

Oscar De La Huerte Profile
Weathering is a big natural contributor to erosion, and is responsible for breaking down the earth's rock and soil surfaces - which are then transported away by erosion.

What is the relationship between weathering and erosion?

Weathering and erosion are the two main ways that the earth's rocky surface is molded and changed.

To understand how the two are related, you may want to first know what they both mean:

  • Weathering refers to the way the atmosphere affects and breaks down land, and is a big contributor to erosion.
  • Erosion is the process by which the rock and soil of the earth is moved from one location to another.
So, in essence, without weathering, less erosion would take place.

It is only because the atmosphere weathers away the rock and soil that so much material can then be eroded away.

Examples of weathering and erosion Weathering is any way the atmosphere affects the rock and soil of the earth, and can be seen as weathering. The following are all examples of this process.

  • acid rain
  • thermal stress and fatigue
  • hydraulic action
  • salt and crystal growth
Erosion is the slightly-more obvious of the two processes, because we can actually see the effects it has.

Examples of erosion include:

  • Wind storms in the desert
  • Landslides
  • Tsunamis and flooding
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Weathering is an important part of erosion because weathering is the process that produces change in the surface of the Earth.

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