What Are The Characteristics Of All Cells?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are 5 characteristics of all cells, both eukaryotic and prokaryotic and they are the following:

-have a cell membrane
- contain cytoplasm
- have ribosomes
- can duplicate themselves
- contain genetic information
amber Jhon Profile
amber Jhon answered
There are a number of characteristics which cells have. The primary and first characteristic is that cells are living and they are only present in the living organisms. In other words all living organisms are made up of cells. Secondly, cell can grow in size and they can also divide to reproduce. For example, cell in human beings can divide and can increase in numbers. Similarly, bacterial cells can grow or divide as result of cell division. Thirdly, cells contain genetic material and they are mainly responsible for the transmission of genetic characteristics from one generation to next.  
Lily James Profile
Lily James answered

A cell is the smallest unit of living organisms. It is the structural and functional unit of a cell. That is why it is called the building block of living organisms. Cells are divided into two types which are Prokayotes and Eukaryotic cells. Following are the characteristics of cells:

- They have a plasma memberane
- membrane contains lipids.
- Most of memberanous proteins are hydrophobic.
- Nucleoid has genetic information on cells.
- Cellular movement occurs through appendages.

- Membranous structures called organelles for regulation of cell functions.
- Nucleus contains the genetic information.
- Nucleus has two porous membranes called Nuclear Envelope.
- Ribosomes are required for protein synthesis.
- For cellular respiration, a cell has a part called mitochondria.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its structure , shape and mass

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