What Is The Function Of A Muscle Cell?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A muscle cell expands and contracts in order to allow the human body to control the movements of its limbs
d ds Profile
d ds answered
There are three types of muscle tissue which are cardiac, smooth and skeletal. Muscle tissue is attached to the bones and it is what that makes our bones move. The muscle cell is composed of units called fascicles which are made up of fibers. These fibers are made of a combination of myofibril while the micro fibrils are made of sarcomere. When these fibers in the muscle slide past each other, the muscle contracts and moves the bone along with it to which it is attached. When the nerves signal to the muscle to move then, the sarcomere releases calcium ions that bind to the component in the fiber which causes it to contract. The skeletal muscle contractions bring about all the body movements. Our heart is also made of it and it beats because of these contractions and relaxations of the muscle.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is to provide a chain reaction of chemical reactions to help move our muscles.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They are in spindle shape and attached to bones which makes body movements flexible.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The function of a muscle cell is, by definition, to move. This could be accomplished when the cell contracts. Contracting makes it denser, which is why when you feel a relaxed muscle in your arm suddenly tense up, it hardens
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Not duh we are talking about muscle cells not muscles

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