A photon is a quantum of electromagnetic energy. Like electrons, it can appear as light and wave at the same time. The photon is often called as "a particle of light."
The atom is known to be the basis of all forms of electromagnetic radiation, visible or invisible. Higher-energy forms of radiation, like X-rays and gamma rays are the outcome of events that disrupt the nuclear stability of the atom. Low energy radiations like infrared light, ultra-violet rays, radio and microwaves spring from the electron clouds that enclose the nucleus or are also formed by the interaction of one atom with the other. These forms of radiation exist because electrons moving in orbits around the nucleus of an atom are set in different energy levels within their probability distribution functions.
Most of the electrons have a tendency to absorb extra energy from external sources of electromagnetic radiation which leads to their promotion to an intrinsically unstable higher energy level.
Ultimately, the "excited" electron loses the additional energy by releasing electromagnetic radiation of lower energy and, in this process, comes back into its stable and original energy level. The released energy from radiation is equal to the energy that was initially absorbed by the electron minus other minute quantities of energy lost through various secondary processes. The
Electromagnetic radiation energy levels can depend to a great extent on the energy of source electrons or nuclei. For instance microwaves, visible light or infrared rays waves have less energy than X-rays, ultraviolet and gamma waves.
The atom is known to be the basis of all forms of electromagnetic radiation, visible or invisible. Higher-energy forms of radiation, like X-rays and gamma rays are the outcome of events that disrupt the nuclear stability of the atom. Low energy radiations like infrared light, ultra-violet rays, radio and microwaves spring from the electron clouds that enclose the nucleus or are also formed by the interaction of one atom with the other. These forms of radiation exist because electrons moving in orbits around the nucleus of an atom are set in different energy levels within their probability distribution functions.
Most of the electrons have a tendency to absorb extra energy from external sources of electromagnetic radiation which leads to their promotion to an intrinsically unstable higher energy level.
Ultimately, the "excited" electron loses the additional energy by releasing electromagnetic radiation of lower energy and, in this process, comes back into its stable and original energy level. The released energy from radiation is equal to the energy that was initially absorbed by the electron minus other minute quantities of energy lost through various secondary processes. The
Electromagnetic radiation energy levels can depend to a great extent on the energy of source electrons or nuclei. For instance microwaves, visible light or infrared rays waves have less energy than X-rays, ultraviolet and gamma waves.