Clouds form from dust particles and water evaporated from the heat of the sun. As the water vapor increases, so does the size of the cloud. Warm front colliding with cold fronts also increase the water vapor in clouds and unstaple air which is the cause of thunderstorms and rain. In the cold weather, we get snow.
The four main types of clouds are:White clouds, grey clouds - always present in the blue skies. Resembling bits of cotton wool, they seem to race with you as you skip and play about in the garden.
On a warm, sunny day the white clouds appear, and smile with the sun - making your day even brighter. The dark, grey clouds turn up when the weather is cold - you feel miserable and sad, because then you can't play outside.
During windy weather the sandy dust blows about and whirls around trees, sending leaves scattering and bending boughs from side to side and up and down. While, high above, the blue skies are dotted with clouds that go racing hither and thither with the wind.
Clouds are fascinating to watch, but what are they actually? They are a formation of fog or mist that occur some distance above the earth's surface.
Warm air laden with moisture rises into the sky. When it reaches a certain height, the warm air cools down. Due to the cooler temperature, the air can no longer hold all its moisture in the form of water vapour. This extra moisture then changes into small drops of water to form clouds.
It is due to the air currents that clouds are kept up in the sky. Cloud formations occur at different heights above the earth.
The four main types of clouds are:
Cirrus Clouds
Cirrus clouds are thin, wispy clouds that usually form above 18,000 feet. These clouds are blown by strong westerly winds aloft into streamers known as "mares' tails" Cirrus clouds generally move from west to east across the sky and usually "point" to fair weather. Cirrus clouds form when water vapor undergoes deposition and forms ice crystals. Cirrus clouds are thin because they form in the higher levels of the atmosphere where little water vapor is present.
Cumulus Clouds
These clouds form above 18,000 feet and appear as small, rounded white puffs that are isolated or in long rows. When the white puffs are in rows, they give the cloud a rippling appearance that distinguishes it from a cirrus or a cirrostratus cloud. Cumulus clouds rarely cover the entire sky. The individual cloud elements that reflect the red or yellow light of a setting sun make this one of the most beautiful of all clouds.
Stratus Clouds
These sheet-like, thin clouds form above 18,000 feet. Cirrostratus clouds are so thin that the sun and moon can be seen clearly through the cloud. Sometimes these clouds are so thin that the only clue to their presence is a halo around the sun or moon. Ice crystals in cirrostratus clouds bend the light rays from the sun or moon as they pass through the cloud, which forms the halo around the sun or moon. Thick cirrostratus clouds give the sky a bright white appearance and often signal rain or snow within 24 hours, especially if they are followed by mid-level clouds.
Nimbus Clouds
Nimbus is dark, fluffy, and looks thick. They are dark because they are full of water; they are ready to burst! If you see nimbus, you are in for rain soon. But, a really dark cloud means a thunderstorm is possible.
Clouds vary in shape, too. Look up and observe each one of them. What shapes and figures do you see?
On a warm, sunny day the white clouds appear, and smile with the sun - making your day even brighter. The dark, grey clouds turn up when the weather is cold - you feel miserable and sad, because then you can't play outside.
During windy weather the sandy dust blows about and whirls around trees, sending leaves scattering and bending boughs from side to side and up and down. While, high above, the blue skies are dotted with clouds that go racing hither and thither with the wind.
Clouds are fascinating to watch, but what are they actually? They are a formation of fog or mist that occur some distance above the earth's surface.
Warm air laden with moisture rises into the sky. When it reaches a certain height, the warm air cools down. Due to the cooler temperature, the air can no longer hold all its moisture in the form of water vapour. This extra moisture then changes into small drops of water to form clouds.
It is due to the air currents that clouds are kept up in the sky. Cloud formations occur at different heights above the earth.
The four main types of clouds are:
Cirrus Clouds
Cirrus clouds are thin, wispy clouds that usually form above 18,000 feet. These clouds are blown by strong westerly winds aloft into streamers known as "mares' tails" Cirrus clouds generally move from west to east across the sky and usually "point" to fair weather. Cirrus clouds form when water vapor undergoes deposition and forms ice crystals. Cirrus clouds are thin because they form in the higher levels of the atmosphere where little water vapor is present.
Cumulus Clouds
These clouds form above 18,000 feet and appear as small, rounded white puffs that are isolated or in long rows. When the white puffs are in rows, they give the cloud a rippling appearance that distinguishes it from a cirrus or a cirrostratus cloud. Cumulus clouds rarely cover the entire sky. The individual cloud elements that reflect the red or yellow light of a setting sun make this one of the most beautiful of all clouds.
Stratus Clouds
These sheet-like, thin clouds form above 18,000 feet. Cirrostratus clouds are so thin that the sun and moon can be seen clearly through the cloud. Sometimes these clouds are so thin that the only clue to their presence is a halo around the sun or moon. Ice crystals in cirrostratus clouds bend the light rays from the sun or moon as they pass through the cloud, which forms the halo around the sun or moon. Thick cirrostratus clouds give the sky a bright white appearance and often signal rain or snow within 24 hours, especially if they are followed by mid-level clouds.
Nimbus Clouds
Nimbus is dark, fluffy, and looks thick. They are dark because they are full of water; they are ready to burst! If you see nimbus, you are in for rain soon. But, a really dark cloud means a thunderstorm is possible.
Clouds vary in shape, too. Look up and observe each one of them. What shapes and figures do you see?
Clouds are particles of water and their forms differ. There are different kinds of clouds including stratus, cirrus and altoculumbus and there are still more, many clouds predict the weather for a storm, rain or even predicting good weather for a sunny day. The water vapor causes are the basic form of the clouds. Mainly consisting the vapor. Many high clouds are ice crystals and cold air these can be divided into three types. Fog is a stratus cloud, when you see these you can expect fog soon. Clouds are components mixed together but without all of the "ingredients" clouds would easily cease to exist. For example: Without sun clouds could not produce the many forms they become so losing one" ingredient" is quite interesting but causes great affect. For the vision of clouds you can imagine fluffy, soft puff dense air vaporized. Which are clouds. You don't mainly get one type of cloud for example you get different clouds in the four seasons, take for example you get group A and B,C in winter the high clouds and maybe some A clouds and groups C to E maybe as a possibility. Depending on it like maybe the months middle of summer warm and hot unlike the snowy month of January, depends. Clouds are amazing and are even attractions at places and with practice many people can easily tell the weather that's coming their way the day after. Many maps can tell you weather on basics clouds, their driness and how moist they are. Normally when you see ciruss clouds expect pleasant weather. Clouds like these help you predict weather so that you don't have to watch the old meteorologist on the forecast. This helps. ;)
Clouds are categorized primarily by two major factors - location and shape. High clouds form several kilometers up in the sky, with the exact height depending on the temperatures where they form.
Low clouds generally form within a kilometer or two of Earth's surface. In fact, low clouds can even form touching the ground, when they are called fog. Middle-level clouds form between low and high clouds.
Clouds are white fluffy puff
balls that are up I the air.
Types of cloud can cause
storms,lightning,rain and
many other things like that.
The types of clouds that I know
are stratus, cumulus, altocumulus,
altoculumbus, altostratus,
balls that are up I the air.
Types of cloud can cause
storms,lightning,rain and
many other things like that.
The types of clouds that I know
are stratus, cumulus, altocumulus,
altoculumbus, altostratus,