
When Doing Does A Plant Grow Bigger If Watered By Milk Or Water On A Project, Do You Buy Plants Already Grown And Water Them, Or Plant Seeds And Water Them?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I buy seeds then plant the plant then I see the results
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Buy seeds then water them
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You should get the seeds because the plants are fully grown and the seeds are not fully grown so it is better if you buy the seeds
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Milk does let the plant grow, but it depends what kind of mil. Mine was low fat and extra calcium and it grew almost taller than my science partner who was giving hers water. I recommend giving you plant water instead of milk because milk makes the soil smell really bad! Good luck with project!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you didn't have enough time you could start with 1 tht started out being watered by water.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First you want to buy a seed and plant it in a pot. Then water it with water every day until it is ten centimeters tall. Then began giving it milk instead of water. Make sure you have two plants, one you use milk instead of water and the other you use only water. But make sure both plants are at least ten centimeters before you start changing the liquid. I recommend using a bean plant. I can't tell you which plant will grow taller because I'm doing the experiment right now in science but I will tell you when I"m finished.

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