
What Damage Can A Tornado Do?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tornado can ruin everything that you have. All things including your house can be turned into rubbish in just a matter of seconds or minutes. And for the people, there's hardly an escape to it. Either you got sucked up or thrown at by anything. I found this article with the before and after pictures of Joplin. Hope it could clearly tell the intensity of damage a tornado can bring. Therefore, it would be wise to have a homeowners insurance if cases like this ever happens.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well a tornado can rip anything in it's path
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tornados can ripe a house clean off its foundation, throw thing above the clouds and do nearly anything destrouctive
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tornadoes can rip apart houses, turn cows into bombs,and lift people into the air. Once a tornado lifted up a box of eggs and when they came down none of them were broke!!!!!
Cassidy Gustafson Profile
A tornado is a spinning funnel cloud that can spin up to thousands of miles an hour. It can rip apart anything in it's path.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Umm like I don't know what do you think like like it can turn cows into bombs obviosly.
Raffy Gordon-Saker Profile
Turning cows into bombs??? That's a little far. My father used to work for a weather bureau specialising in tornados and hurricanes. He's pretty sure that cannot happen.

They can:
Separate the complete structure of any building (even earth ship houses which are made for large, windy storms).
Lift a person just below the atmosphere, likely chances are that no one would survive.
Practically destroy: Cars, houses, blow high sky scrapers over and anything in it's path.

I hope this helps

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