What Are The Three Kinds Of Muscle In The Human Body?


13 Answers

Steve Theunissen Profile
There are three kinds of muscles in our bodies: (1) Voluntary muscles, which include the skeletal and facial muscles; (2) involuntary muscles, which are found among the muscles in the blood vessels, intestines, stomach, bladder and uterus, and (3) heart muscle.
Voluntary muscles are also termed "striated" or striped muscles, because under a microscope they show alternating light and dark stripes or ridges running crosswise. Most of these muscles are long and narrow, as in the arms and legs; but others are sheetlike, as those of the abdomen and the back. Voluntary muscles are endowed with a rich nerve and blood supply so that they can accomplish their purpose. Some, such as respiratory muscles, might be said to be both voluntary and involuntary. We use them voluntarily when we take a deep breath, but most of the time, and especially when we are asleep, they work without any volition on our part.
By way of contrast, involuntary muscles are termed "smooth," for they are without these striped ridges. With the aid of the electron microscope a striking and purposeful difference has been discovered between the structure of the voluntary and the involuntary or smooth muscles. In smooth muscles the filaments that do the actual work of contracting are arrayed in parallel, overlapping one another, and at an angle of as much as 10 percent to the long axis of the muscle cell. This oblique arrangement of the filaments in smooth muscles may give them as much as ten times the strength that they would otherwise have and so enables them to sustain forceful contractions over long periods of time. On the other hand, the way the filaments lie in voluntary or striped muscles, in series or end to end, permits them to move with greater velocity or speed. And the amount of contraction can be far greater than in smooth muscle.

The muscle of the heart is in a class by itself. Because of its great work load it has a special kind of construction, making it the strongest muscle in man. In woman, only the muscle of the uterus, needed to expel a baby at birth, is said to be stronger. Heart muscle is constructed after the pattern of voluntary muscle, but it functions as an involuntary muscle.
The three kinds of muscles are skeletal, smooth and cadiac.

The skeletal muscles support the skeletal system and comprise of 50% of the body weight and they are 640 total skeletal muscles in the body.

The Smooth muscles are the muscles in the stomach, intestine, mouth, blood vessels and the ladder. They are involuntary muscles and therefore they work on their own,

Cardiac muscles contract automatically to squeeze the walls of the heart. They contract 100,000 times in a day. Most of the heart is made up of cardiac muscles, they never stop working till you die!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1:muscle layers
2:cardiac muscle
3:smooth muscles
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Smooth muscles, cardiac muscles, and skeletal muscles
Bobby Ramsey Profile
Bobby Ramsey answered
The human body contains three different kinds of muscles. They are called skeletal, smooth, and heart muscles.

Skeletal muscles, also called striated muscles, are attached to your bones for the purpose of movement. They also help to protect your inner organs.

Smooth muscle is present in the walls of many internal organs in the body. It is found in the walls of the digestive system and inside the walls of the blood vessels.

Heart muscle , also called cardiac muscle, is a special kind of muscle found only in your heart.

Muscles can also be classified into two groups: voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary muscles are those muscles which you can control. Involuntary muscles are muscles that you cannot control.

Skeletal muscles that are striated are voluntary muscles. When you walk, talk, jump, and run, you use striated muscles. For example, the muscles in your arms and legs are voluntary beecause you control them when you move your arms and legs.
Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
There are three main types of muscle:

Skeletal muscle:
It is anchored by tendons to bone and is used to involve skeletal movement such as locomotion. However this postural, the control is normally maintained as a subconscious reflex, the muscles in charge respond to conscious control like non-postural muscles.

Smooth muscle:
It is found within the walls of organs and structures such as the esophagus, stomach, intestines, bronchi, uterus, urethra, bladder, and blood vessels. The smooth muscle is not under conscious control.

Cardiac muscle:
It is also an "involuntary muscle" but is a specialized kind of muscle found only within the human heart.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Skeletal; Smooth; Cardiac
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The ligament connects the bones together
the Cartilage Connects the muscles
muscles protects the bones
- gives shapes to our body
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
-muscle attached to the bone
cardiac muscle
-they are incapable of being moved by conscious thought

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