
What Does Eating Ice Do To The Body?


9 Answers

Cormac Reynolds Profile
Cormac Reynolds answered
When it is a hot summer’s day your immediate reaction might be to buy an ice cream to cool you down but think twice next time as this article will explain.  Don’t get me wrong, the immediate effect of ice cream is to cool you down as director of gastroenterology at John Hopkins Hospital, Gerard E. Mullin, explains: "Anything ingested that is lower than your actual body temperature will initially produce a cooling effect systematically.” So as you indulge in an ice cream you can benefit from it lowering the temperature of the body parts it is in contact with. However, about 15 to 20 minutes later the ice cream will have the opposite effect. While ice cream physically cools, as digestion kicks in body temperature increases because the body works to digest and absorb nutrients in the ice cream (as well as store calories). The body’s reaction to a cool part of the body is to bring the temperature back up to a physiological body temperature so eating cool foods is never going to change your overall body temperature. Other effects ice cream can have on your body: It can damage your teeth if eaten excessively; it can also be a sign of an eating disorder or being deprived of iron. Not a lot of people know that eating ice is often associated with a low haemoglobin count. This kind of problem is known as pagophagia or the habit of compulsively eating ice. If you find that your young children are eating ice excessively they could suffer from the eating disorder, PICA. A PICA patient risks suffering from disorganisation, deprivation, epilepsy or mental retardation. If you are concerned about how much ice you or anyone else is eating then it is always best to check in with your GP.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It causes blood pleasure and can harm your white blood vessels. It also causes tooth ache which will even be suffered when the tooth is taken out.
Stuti Ahuja Profile
Stuti Ahuja answered
Not only does ice have adverse effect on your body, it also means that you might be iron deprived or even facing some kind of a eating disorder (mainly in case of children). Most people crave ice when the iron level in their body is low or they are anaemic. You might want to eat your greens and take some kind of iron supplements. Eating ice may lead to chipping of teeth and eventually result in teeth fall outs. You might suffer from pain in your joints at a young age. For children between the age of 1 and 4 it could also be an eating disorder called PICA. This disorder is attributed with constant eating of non-nutritive substances such as pencil, ice, coal, chalk, wood, paper etc. A PICA patient risks suffering from disorganization, deprivation, epilepsy or mental retardation.
Will Morris Profile
Will Morris answered
It'll cool you down or make you cold, and perhaps most importantly it tends to slow down your digestion.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It can chip your teeth and hurt your jaws.

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