What Is Solar Plexus?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Solar plexus can be defined as a close network of nerve cells together with supporting tissue. It is also called celiac plexus. Solar plexus is located in the region of celiac artery behind the stomach and below the diaphragm.

Solar plexus consists of two ganglia and a cluster of nerves connecting these ganglia. The ganglia within solar plexus are called celiac ganglia. Solar plexus is involved in controlling the functions of many internal organs. Solar plexus is also the largest nerve centre in the abdominal cavity.

Solar plexus has also a spiritual dimension according to Hinduism. It is considered to be an energy node and is termed as manipura chakra. According to this view, the solar plexus chakra is among the main power chakras of a person. It controls the psychic energy field called the aura. It is through the solar plexus centre that different types of spiritual energy enter the body for distribution.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is a complex network of nerves in the nervous system that is located in the abdomen.

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