
What Are The 10 General Properties Of Matter And Their Definition?


1 Answers

Rosie Normanton Profile
Rosie Normanton answered
The ten general properties of matter are described below in the points given. The properties of a particular type of matter describe how it will react in certain circumstances, what it can be used for and what physical appearance it will attain. They are often used in science to classify various elements of matter and categorize them appropriately.
  • Melting point and boiling point

The melting point of matter is the point at which it turns from a solid to a liquid. Similarly, a material's boiling point is the temperature at which it will turn from a liquid into a gas. The various melting and boiling points of matter are determined by the nature of the connection between its particles.
  • Density
Density gives an indication of how 'hard' a type of matter is. It relates to how tightly packed the particles of a material are. If particles are closer together, the material will be denser.
  • Malleability, ductility and viscosity
Malleability is a measure of how able a material is to change its shape without breaking. Materials with low malleability are described as brittle, whilst others are described as flexible. Ductility indicates how much a material can be bent out of its original shape before succumbing to a breakage - the two properties are broadly similar. Viscosity is similar, but relates to fluids rather than solids. It measures how resistive a liquid is to deformation via stress.
  • Color and opacity
The color of a type of matter indicates how it appears to the human eye. Opacity relates to whether the matter is opaque, transparent or somewhere in between. It is a measure of how easy it is to see through the matter.
  • Magnetism and electrical conductivity
These properties relate to whether or not the matter has the ability to conduct electricity or act or be affected by a magnet.
  • State
This indicates whether the matter is solid, liquid or gas at a certain temperature.

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