There are a number of branches of physics, which all act in different ways, and are concerned with different formula, practices and outcomes. The main branches of physics include acoustics, astrophysics, atomic physics, biophysics, chemical physics, classical mechanics, condensed matter physics, fluid physics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, optics and electromagnetism, relativity, molecular physics, nuclear physics, particle physics and quantum mechanics. In the following text I will briefly explain what is involved in some of these branches of physics, although please bear in mind when reading this that I am no physicist myself!
Acoustics is a branch of physics which studies the mechanical waves present in all materials. An acoustician will study the waves found in solid materials, liquids and gases, and will track, study or manipulate the way the waves travel. The waves an acoustician may study include vibration, sound, ultrasound and infrasound. The study of acoustics can affect our knowledge of many things in the world, from speech to medicine, and from technology to warfare.
Astrophysics is a branch of physics which studies the physical make up and the laws of physics throughout the entire universe. An astrophysicist may study the make-up of celestial bodies such as stars, comets, moons and other planets, and the way each of these bodies interacts with one another. Many other branches of physics and their practices are applied in astrophysics, as it is such a broad field of study.
Atomic physics is the branch of physics which conducts its studies on a molecular level, and is primarily occupied with the way in which electrons are arranged around the nucleus of a cell. Atomic physics should not be confused with nuclear physics - they may appear similar to those outside looking in, but nuclear and atomic physicists note that these two branches of physics are very different.
Acoustics is a branch of physics which studies the mechanical waves present in all materials. An acoustician will study the waves found in solid materials, liquids and gases, and will track, study or manipulate the way the waves travel. The waves an acoustician may study include vibration, sound, ultrasound and infrasound. The study of acoustics can affect our knowledge of many things in the world, from speech to medicine, and from technology to warfare.
Astrophysics is a branch of physics which studies the physical make up and the laws of physics throughout the entire universe. An astrophysicist may study the make-up of celestial bodies such as stars, comets, moons and other planets, and the way each of these bodies interacts with one another. Many other branches of physics and their practices are applied in astrophysics, as it is such a broad field of study.
Atomic physics is the branch of physics which conducts its studies on a molecular level, and is primarily occupied with the way in which electrons are arranged around the nucleus of a cell. Atomic physics should not be confused with nuclear physics - they may appear similar to those outside looking in, but nuclear and atomic physicists note that these two branches of physics are very different.