
How Has Electricity Changed The Way We Communicate?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because we don't have to waste time to write letters, you can just jab a few numbers in our phone and press the call button, and if we didnt have electricity then I wouldn`t be able to ring paige and it would be an international crisis!
Over time we have changed the way we communicate with people. Years ago people used the morse code which was the way they wrote letters and people were so glad that paper and ink had been discoverd but over time scientist's found a way in which we can communicate with each other by telephones and computers which was a easier, takes less time and is cheaper . Also we can communicate with people in America and Japan ,we can communicate with anybody in the world who has a computer, mobile phone ect.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Over time we have changed the way we live and communicate. Years ago people used the moorse code whitch was the way they wrote letters and people were so glad that they, had paper and that, but over time sicentist's found a way in whitch we can communicate with each other by telephones and computers whitch was a easy way, less time, cheaper and cooler way. Also we can communicate with people in Egypt and china hey we can communicate with anybody in the world who has a computer, mobile phone ect, we can talk about anythink from what are you doing and hey I'm getting married but I hope I have answered your question glad I could help you xxxxx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Lol I like turtles

let make love like KFC and Mcdonalds
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Emo chick go and slit your wrists!!!!!!

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