
What Are The Branches Of Botany And Their Meaning?


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Shane Richardson Profile
Botany as a whole is the study of plants. This broad subject includes many smaller subtopics within it, each of which cover a different area of the study of plants. Even just talking about plants is not straightforward; the word plants in this instance includes everything from house plants, garden plants, wild flowers, lichens, fungi, algae, ferns and trees.

Although lichens, fungi and algae are general categorized in their own areas, they are still studied under the umbrella term of botany but have their own subtitles; for example Ethnolichenology is the study of lichens. Anything which does not come under the umbrella term of animals will come under the umbrella term for plants in terms of botany.

Botany can be studied from different perspectives as with a majority of other subjects, including genetic and molecular.

There are 21 individual branches which make up the overall field of botany. These are:
  • Agrostology
  • Bicarpellatae
  • Bryology
  • Calyciflorae
  • Disciflorae
  • Ethnobotany
  • Ethnolichenology
  • Gamopetalae
  • Heteromerae
  • Phytosociology
  • Plant anatomy
  • Plant morphology
  • Plant physiology
  • Pomology
  • Thalamiflorae
  • Micropaleontology
  • Monochlamydae
  • Paleobotany
  • Paleoethnobotany
  • Palynology
  • Phytochemistry
You can find the definitions of these areas of botany on any number of websites, however, you will find the meaning of some of the most commonly used areas below:

  • Plant anatomy is the study of the structure of plants
  • Ethnolichenology is the study of lichens and how they impact on human life, including their uses in the modern day world
  • Bryology is the study of bryophytes, for example moss
Botany is a very important discipline and contributes greatly in many areas which you may not realize, including medicine. Each individual section of botany has its own importance and significance, however, they are all very closely linked and often overlap.

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