Volcanic eruptions can indeed be predicted, but it is incredibly hard to do so. Many volcanoes have been dormant for many years and some have been so for hundreds of years. Because volcanoes do not work to a time table and do not occur regularly, or have any form of pattern to them, they are really hard to predict when they might erupt. Some scientists have predicted when a volcano will erupt, but often within just hours of the eruption and have not been able to warn people living near these volcanoes. Eruptions are largely related to the amount of water present and the magma composition. This is the amount of oxygen, silicon, aluminium, iron, magnetism, titanium, calcium, sodium, potassium, and phosphorous within the volcano. Some volcano's for example, generate low-pressures from these chemicals, and so produce only a small spill. Other volcanoes however, produce a huge build up these gasses and consequently produce a huge eruption. Scientists are working on new ways to predict when and where a volcano might erupt in order to give people living near one enough time to evacuate the area.
You might feel A vibration in the earth.. If there is water near by, it gets warmer, and may turn dark and blackish. If you see smoke coming from the volcano, that's a huge sign. And you may smell a bad odor.
Hi there. There are a few ways in which volcanic eruptions can be predicted. The first is simply by visual observations. For example in some cases a volcanoe may form a big bulge on its side. Increased smoke and minor lava eruptions are also signs that a large eruption may be about to occur.
There are also more high tech methods. For example analyzing the different amounts of gas being released from the volcano can be helpful in predicting eruptions, as well as using temperature sensors to monitor temperature inside of the volcano. An increased temperature occurs before the start of an eruption.
There are also more high tech methods. For example analyzing the different amounts of gas being released from the volcano can be helpful in predicting eruptions, as well as using temperature sensors to monitor temperature inside of the volcano. An increased temperature occurs before the start of an eruption.
When you start smelling a strong sulfur odor is a big clue
You would feel vibrations in the earth and sulfur smell
When you start to feel the earth moving like a earth quake and you smell a bad odor which is a big sign
By increase of sulphuric acid
shakes and quakes
animals going mad
smoke && ash
acidity in the air
hope I helped!
shakes and quakes
animals going mad
smoke && ash
acidity in the air
hope I helped!