What Organic Compounds Make Up The Cell Membrane?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The cell membrane is composed of lipids and proteins from the book I read in my school
Daisy Sarma Profile
Daisy Sarma answered
The cell membrane is the limiting element in a cell within which the different cell elements or organelles exist. It is a semi-permeable membrane and has its own functions with relation to the different activities that happen inside the cell. Besides forming the protective layer within which different cell organelles exist, the cell membrane also performs the function of transporting different substances such as amino acids, sugars, as well as other ions into and out of the cell. The cell membrane is also called the plasma membrane, and is made up of different compounds. While the cell membrane is a semi permeable membrane, there is another layer outside it, a rigid layer that is the final outer wall of the cell, called the cell wall.

The cell membrane is primarily made up of lipids, which are fat bodies, as well as proteins. These are present as two layers, and are found in equal proportion throughout the cell membrane. These are the organic compounds, long chain hydrocarbons, which are found in the cell membrane.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It made of phospholipid molecules with various large globular proteins molecules suspended in them
Ellie Hoe Profile
Ellie Hoe answered
The cell membranes are composed of phospholipid bilayers which protect the internal cellular structure against an energy background. Cell membranes are permeable allowing the exchange of fluids, nutrients and ions with the external environment. Cell membranes are normally composed of Proteins, ampiphatic lipids, phospholipids, glycolipids and steroids. The inner walls of the cell membrane are negatively charged. The arrangement of materials in the cell membranes make it semi-permeable, allowing a selective range of ions and materials to exchange with the external environment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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