
How Big Is Morocco?


3 Answers

Muddassar Memon Profile
Muddassar Memon answered
Morocco, formally known as the Kingdom of Morocco basically is a country based in North Africa. Morocco shares its land borders with Algeria towards the east, Spain towards the north and with Western Sahara towards the south

Morocco has a constitutional dominion, and is said to be the only African nation which is not an associate of the African Union. On the other hand it is a member of the Arab League, Arab Maghred Union, Organization of Islamic Conference, Mediterranean Dialogue group, etc. The complete name of Morocco according to the Arabic language is, Al-Mamlaka al-Maghribya and means "The Western Kingdom".

According to the census reports the total area of this region was estimated to be 446,550 square kilometres. As of the year 2005, the total population of this region was said to be 33,241,259.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I researched it and it said it was a little bit larger than the state of California!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
That's not correct  "According to the census reports the total area of this region was estimated to be 446,550 square kilometres". The total area of Morroco it's about 710. 850 km2

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