The greenhouse effect traps heat into our atmosphere in the layer that protects us from the sun's ultraviolet rays. The layer lets a little heat out at a time to maintain the Earth's temperature. Global Warming is the cause of this. Just think of a greenhouse, it traps the sun's rays and helps the plants grow inside it. Hence, the greehouse effect. I hope this answers your question.
The process in which the infrared radiation is emitted by the atmosphere is called green house effect. Greenhouse means the trees which give us oxygen and makes the environment healthy. Without the greenhouse effect global warming can increase to alarming stage. For details about greenhouse effect, click this link
The Greenhouse gas effect is the phenomenon which gives Earth its characteristic temperature which is sufficient enough to support life but not enough to fry it altogether. There is a trace amount of Carbon Dioxide and other gases in Earth's atmosphere. This content of Greenhouse Gases helps Earth absorb and retain some of the heat that it receives from the Sun and distributes it evenly across the globe even to some parts that receive little sunlight compared with the rest. If the Greenhouse gas effect is increased which is proportional to the Carbon Dioxide content then the Earth's average cumulative temperature will increase causing natural calamities like Volcanic Eruptions, Tsunamis and Earth Quakes. Besides that, the polar ice caps will start to melt increasing the level by several feet and resultantly flood several coastal regions on Earth.
Green house effect is the phenomenon caused due to release of gases like methne, carbon, sulphur di oxide, etc. These gases trap the atmosphere's heat. On one side if we see they do a good job of maintaining the planets temperature , but excess use leds to trapping of more and more heat which ultimately results in rise in atmosphere' temperature which we experience in form of excess summer
The greenhouse effect is a term used to describe how the Earth's atmosphere keeps our planet warmer than it would otherwise be. The Earth's atmosphere acts like the glass of a greenhouse. When sunlight shines in, the air inside gets warm because the heat energy coming in is a shorter wavelength than that escaping.
The net effect is that the atmosphere gains energy, and the air in the atmosphere is warmed. This is not global warming, it is the natural physical effect of the Sun's energy on the atmosphere. It is the reason why life has evolved on Earth ~ without this warming effect, the Earth would be too cold to sustain life.
Many people are currently worried that modern industrial development has increased the levels of gases that increase the greenhouse effect. There has been a big change in the amount of carbon dioxide produced because of industry over the last 200 years.
If the greenhouse effect is enhanced, the Earth's temperatures could rise. This is global warming and it might be disastrous. Just a few degrees rise could be a serious problem and might cause flooding in some areas of the world and drought in others.
The net effect is that the atmosphere gains energy, and the air in the atmosphere is warmed. This is not global warming, it is the natural physical effect of the Sun's energy on the atmosphere. It is the reason why life has evolved on Earth ~ without this warming effect, the Earth would be too cold to sustain life.
Many people are currently worried that modern industrial development has increased the levels of gases that increase the greenhouse effect. There has been a big change in the amount of carbon dioxide produced because of industry over the last 200 years.
If the greenhouse effect is enhanced, the Earth's temperatures could rise. This is global warming and it might be disastrous. Just a few degrees rise could be a serious problem and might cause flooding in some areas of the world and drought in others.
It is the process of the warming of the Earth that leads to the rise in global temperature and later on global warming.
It means when the sun shines on earth and it causes global warming
Effect of cultism on student
A greenhouse is where you put plants and the effect is how can the plants grow
This site is one which will explain g.gases to you. Basically, Gravity and the effect it has, keeping the atmosphere down here, and the accumulation of certain gases that restrict the heat from dissipating into space, thus reflecting the heat back down to the planet like a greenhouse glass or covering.Greenhouses Gasses

A greenhouse acts like a radiation trap. In a greenhouse, heat radiation from the sun passes through the glass and keeps the plants and the air inside warm. Greenhouses are actually used to grow plants, particularly in the winter season. The glass prevents warm air from escaping. Moreover, radiation emitted by objects in the greenhouse cannot escape through glass.
A car parked in the sun with its windows closed gets terribly warm due to the greenhouse effect.
The atmosphere is all over surrounded the earth and the greenhouse gases there work muck like the glass panes in a greenhouse. In this case, the sunlight once enters into the earth's atmosphere through the layer of greenhouse gases, the surface of the earth, the waters there, lands and different objects positioned there, and the biosphere absorb the energy coming from the sunlight. Now after it is being absorbed, some of the energy is again sent back into the space, whereas much of the energy remains trapped within the atmosphere by the greenhouse gases, which eventually keeps the earth warm.
A car parked in the sun with its windows closed gets terribly warm due to the greenhouse effect.
The atmosphere is all over surrounded the earth and the greenhouse gases there work muck like the glass panes in a greenhouse. In this case, the sunlight once enters into the earth's atmosphere through the layer of greenhouse gases, the surface of the earth, the waters there, lands and different objects positioned there, and the biosphere absorb the energy coming from the sunlight. Now after it is being absorbed, some of the energy is again sent back into the space, whereas much of the energy remains trapped within the atmosphere by the greenhouse gases, which eventually keeps the earth warm.
There are certain gases that are bad for the environment and these are called greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases affects the ozone layer. They drill holes in the ozone layer (the ozone layer serves as a filter. It filters the earth from the ultra violet rays of the sun). With holes in the ozone layer the direct heat of the sun can directly go in the earth and cause global warming.
With global warming the ice caps in the northern and southern region of the earth will melt and will cause a major flood that could cover countries or places that don't have high ground - like some parts of California and Florida and a lot of countries in South East Asia.....
With global warming the ice caps in the northern and southern region of the earth will melt and will cause a major flood that could cover countries or places that don't have high ground - like some parts of California and Florida and a lot of countries in South East Asia.....
Its when your sun is too hot and the glass protects plants I'm RIGHT
Well green house Effect means when the sun shines on earth and which is causing...
It makes me horny
Its a simple theory, Please have a look at this:
The green house proc tes us from the sun so we do not get fryed anywhere
It cleans my bum
Bad things happen