I need list of reactions that produce H2O (g)? Thanks


1 Answers

Abi Ainscough Profile
Abi Ainscough answered
Physicists and other science experts have come up with several lists of reactions that can produce water. Some of them include these three:

  • Pure water can be produced when you burn hydrogen gas with oxygen gas. This is what usually happens when water is split into hydrogen and oxygen through the process of electrolysis. It's a spontaneous process but quite dangerous since it is explosive in nature.
  • You can also produce water when you burn hydrocarbons like methane and octane. The process is actually the same with that of burning hydrogen gas.
  • Another reaction that can produce water is through neutralizing of acid base elements.

Many believe that the world will soon experience a worldwide shortage in water which is why scientists are doing their best to come up with a list of processes that can help produce water. It is their way of helping mankind cope with water shortage which is already affecting other countries around the world.

But why do we experience water shortage in the first place? There are many factors that cause this problem and sad to say but most of them are man-made. People are cutting down trees and no longer bother to plant new ones. Others are also polluting water sources like rivers and seas with garbage, fuel, and other pollutants that make these bodies of water unsafe and dirty. In addition, there's global warming which is also partly to blame.

In order to combat water shortage earlier on, it's a must that everybody should do his or her part. You can start by disposing your garbage properly and planting trees in your backyard. You can also join and support the programs of the government and other non government agencies that are active in saving the world.

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