
How Many Bags Of Mulch Go Into 1 Cubic Yard?


8 Answers

Cormac Reynolds Profile
Cormac Reynolds answered
As long as you remember that one cubic yard is 27 cubic feet, you will be able to calculate how many bags you will need when you see how big the bags are that you are buying. Obviously, if they are one cubic foot, you’ll need 27; two cubic feet, you’ll need 14 bags for a cubic yard.

You could try and make your own mulch; it’s not difficult to do, and is a lot cheaper.  The first thing that you need to do is to decide where you are going to store your mulch; an out of the way part of the garden is good as long as it is big enough to hold all the mulch that you are planning to make.

To create your own mulch all you need is the usual garden waste that you normally throw away, like grass cuttings, dead leaves, fallen sticks, though these need to be put through a chipper first to make them small enough to decompose quickly. It is a little more effort but they will add valuable nutrients to your garden.

Once you have a well rotted pile, you can use it on your garden as you would shop bought mulch. If this method is not quick enough for you, you can buy containers to put your garden waste into (rather than just leave it in a pile), and you can buy solutions that you mix with the waste to make it rot down far more quickly. Often these containers will open at the bottom so that you can get access to the mulch that has rotted while you can still put more waste on the top. Naturally, you can add vegetable peelings and other biodegradable offerings to your mulch pile, too.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Depends on the size of the bag.  Most bags at big-box stores like Lowes or Home Depot are 2 cubic feet.  One cubic yard is 27 cubic feet.  Therefore, using the bags from either of these stores at 2 cubic feet you would need about 14 bags to achieve 1 cubic yard.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1 yard of mulch is 27 cubic feet
10 yards of Mulch = 270 cubic feet

You need 135 bags @ $3  or approx $405 by the bag
10 yards of great quality mulch @ $32 yard (delivered within area) is $320

If you need 10 yards of mulch then buy it by the yard!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I put down 51 bags of mulch at 2 cu feet a bag. How many cubic yards is this?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If I were to buy 10 yards of bulk mulch, how many bags of 2 cubic feet would it take?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
13 1/2
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's cheaper to buy it in bulk.  At least for us where we live, it is.  We save $15 that way.  But, you need to have a way to transport the load like a truck or a trailor.

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