
In Biology, What Is The Function Of The Vacuole?


4 Answers

Florent Lefortier Profile
A vacuole is a membrane-encased part of a cell, known as an organelle, which is present in all plant and fungal cells. Some animal, bacterial and protist cells also have vacuoles.

What Is A Vacuole, Exactly?
Essentially, a vacuole is a little pocket of water with a membrane around it – a bit like those gel things you put in the washing machine with your clothes.

In some plant cells, the vacuole can take up around 80% of the cell's total volume!

The water inside a vacuole usually contains organic and inorganic molecules, or enzymes floating in some sort of solution.

What Does A Vacuole Do?
  • Contains water in plant cells, a bit like a reservoir
  • Isolates materials that are potentially harmful to the cell
  • Contains waste, keeping it separate from the rest of the cell
  • Holds molecules
  • Exports unwanted materials from the cell
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A vacuole is a membrane bound sac that plays a role in intercellular digestion.

In animal cells the vacuole is small and temporary, often occurring in large numbers. They store food, water, various chemicals, and waste, whilst isolating substances that may be harmful to the rest of the cell.

They are made up mostly of water and are particularly key in containment, transport and disposal of proteins and lipids.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The vacuole contains water.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Stores food particles.

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