Physical barriers for communication can be simple things like other conversations around you , time limits and even noise from traffic outside. There are many physical barriers for all kinds of communication within a business, whether that's text, oral, or over the telephone, Businesses will do everything they can to ensure that their employees and colleagues do not experience any kind of communication barrier, given that communication really is the key to a company being successful.
It seems like the question you are asking, however, is an academic question. If you have been asked this question during a part of a University course or any other academic course, then you should not be turning to the Internet for your answers. Whilst you may get somewhat accurate answers from the Internet, you will never get the information that is completely relevant to your course given that all this information is outlined in the course booklets and textbooks. At the beginning of your course you should have been provided with booklets and information that would allow you to obtain the information you need and apply that to an answer in an exam.
Furthermore, your teacher would be an excellent source of assistance here. Your teacher is always accessible and is always there to help you. The teacher will always be willing to discuss any problems you are having too, so don't be worried about not being able to answer the question. If you really are genuinely stuck on the question then there's no reason why your teacher would penalize you for struggling. You simply need to talk to your teacher about the problem you are having and they will be able to help you with it. You can be sure, however, that they will tell you to not use the Internet and instead use the course sources that they provided you with at the beginning of your academic year.
It seems like the question you are asking, however, is an academic question. If you have been asked this question during a part of a University course or any other academic course, then you should not be turning to the Internet for your answers. Whilst you may get somewhat accurate answers from the Internet, you will never get the information that is completely relevant to your course given that all this information is outlined in the course booklets and textbooks. At the beginning of your course you should have been provided with booklets and information that would allow you to obtain the information you need and apply that to an answer in an exam.
Furthermore, your teacher would be an excellent source of assistance here. Your teacher is always accessible and is always there to help you. The teacher will always be willing to discuss any problems you are having too, so don't be worried about not being able to answer the question. If you really are genuinely stuck on the question then there's no reason why your teacher would penalize you for struggling. You simply need to talk to your teacher about the problem you are having and they will be able to help you with it. You can be sure, however, that they will tell you to not use the Internet and instead use the course sources that they provided you with at the beginning of your academic year.