Psychological barriers refers to an individuals state of mind. For example if an individual is suffering from personal issues such as health or martial problems this is most likely to affect them. Psychological barriers are closely linked to emotional barriers, emotional barriers play an important role in the communication of a message. An example of this maybe when receiving a message you cannot properly interpret the message because you are emotionally blocked at the moment in time. Reasons why you may be emotionally blocked are due to internal issues such as fear,worry, suspicion and mistrust.
Psychological Barriers in Communication: Is When the person who is communicating has some sort of disability like being deaf or blind but it can also be when the person is in pain or being uncomfortable from poor seats of the lighting is not good for reading, it can also be when a person is temporary Incapacitated because of drug use or from some psychological condition:
Psychological barriers to communication include people's emotions, perceptions, and selectivity.
Emotional :< /b>
One possible psychological block is emotional. For example, you might be emotionally blocked if you are announcing a new policy you know will be unpopular, giving the first major presentation on your job, or writing to someone you dislike. The people with whom you are communicating are also subject to emotional blocks. They may feel indifferent or hostile toward you or your subject, or be biased against you (perhaps because of your youth, sex, race, relatives, friends, or even clothes) or against your subject (perhaps because the think it's illogical, perhaps simply because "That's not the way we've always done things here").
Perceptual: Even if there are no emotional blocks, every person perceives things differently. Although we all live in the same objective world, we all live in different subjective worlds. Communication involves perception, and perception is never precise. A second psychological block, then, is perceptual.
One perceptual problem is that people perceive things differently. Given precisely the same data, people see, interpret, or respond to them differently. A second perceptual problem is caused by people "filling in" information without checking its accuracy.
Accurate and adequate communication between groups and people will not itself bring about the change required. The physical barriers are some way or the other linked to this type of barriers but they can be overcomed way too easily but psycological barriers are hard to resist.they are mainly because of personal reasons at every stages of communication,or due to malfunction of any of the body part,or due to emotional attack,or the difference in sex,race or language or qualifications or sometimes even clothes or vehicles or status.
I find ego to be a big one. If you've ever taken hallucinogens and experienced ego loss it really opens your eyes as to the way we act simply because were expected act certain ways. The idea of people judging us on our every move, and our views of how we want to portray ourselves can easily inhibit our ability to communicate for fear of being judged as such. For example in a relationship one will often hold back information for fear of how their significant other will view them. This causes people to shut emotions inside and never really communicate what they truly want or feel.
A physiological barrier to communication is the result of a sensory dysfunction, either on the part of the reciever or the sender, speaking, hearing, & seeing are fundamental parts of effective communication.
Stress Levels, how well you know the person, distractions & physical comfort levels all affect communication. A phone conversation may be different than an email because perhaps the person on the phone is not a good speaker and is uncomfortable or nervous about messing up when talking to somebody important, or perhaps they can't spell proficiently so they choose to call rather than email or to use smaller words in their emails to avoid embarrassment.
Some typical Psychological barriers that may impede communication within organizations may be as follows:
1) Cross cultural barriers: Some organizations have a diverse and quite complex cultural mix in terms of demographics and psycho graphics as people from various background may work together. Each would bring a different set of ethics, perspectives and languages which may cause this barrier.
2) Halo Effect: When you let another person's one salient feature dominate his personality and generally ignore other aspects of his personality that is called halo effect. It causes you to get out of sync with the individual and cause another barrier.
One of the psychological barriers felt largely in organizations is sexual tension between male employees and female employees. Also, in a forums like conferences, seminars and presentation in a closed rooms this barrier act like a distraction from the point. Much has been written on various barriers related to human psychology, barring sexual tension , which is commonly felt almost by everyone in working place. However, degree varies from person to person in any formal setting. Dr. Sujata Menon Sr. Faculty, Communication C.K.S.V.I.M , Vadodara, Gujarat, India