
What Are The Different Uses Of Enzymes?


3 Answers

Shahzad Saleem Profile
Shahzad Saleem answered
Enzymes use for specific subtypes of emphysema, a respiratory disorder, was recently approved. A number of other diseases have been specific enzyme systems. Knowledge in this field has nearly exploded with the help of newer technology, such as the genetic engineering techniques involving recombinant DNA. The important of enzymes in such deficiency diseases was eloquently emphasized in the movie 'Lorenzo's Oil', dealing with progressive neurological changes and suffering of a patient and his family resulting from a defect in an enzyme system.

However, proper nutrition plays a very important role in health and in an essential component of any form of treatment, particularly for advanced or debilitating illnesses. Proper nutrition gives us the required enzymes in the diet, particularly if fresh and unprocessed foods are consumed whenever possible. Fresh, natural, unprocessed foods has the advantage of providing us with necessary enzymatic products and will provide the essential enzymes helpers known as coenzymes (vitamins, trace elements and minerals) required by our bodies to function properly.

Most people are born with a properly functioning enzyme system which, in turn, helps perform all of the tasks of the body, from the simplest to most complex and important.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1. Enzymes are used to break down polymers to for monomers.
2. They are also used to increase activation energy of a chemical reaction.
3. Enzymes are also use to decrease activation energy of a chemical reaction.

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