What Does Pollution Do To The Earth's Atmosphere?


6 Answers

Steven Vakula Profile
Steven Vakula answered
It blocks the sun, provides acid rain, causes the ozone layer to deplete as well as global warming which as a result is melting the glaciers and causing rising water levels. It kills species of plants and animals or other life as well as pollutes the ground causing growth and habitation problems.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think it affects precious wild life or animals in the sea. Fish are dieing because of what they eat so polar bears have nothing to eat sometimes so now polar bears are going extinct and its all our fault !
thanked the writer.
lissy commented
People of the world need to stop their crap because sometimes we dont think of what is happening to different species around the world we need to stop killing and destroying gods wonderful and beautiful creatures and save an animals life do all you can because as one human we cant do much but what we can do is our part because think, if you were an animal you would be greatful that a person came around and thougt about you and spared your life !!!!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Some scientists believe that increasing amounts of pollutants in the atmosphere will cause the earth to
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Puts the polar bears in danger making the poor things extinct and people wonder why when they drive about when they can walk short journeys !!!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It will wreck the earth trust me if you keep going like you are now in 100 time the earth will look like a plastic wrapper

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