How Did The Kobe Earthquake Happen ?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Heat from the core creating convection currents in the mantle making the tectonic plates move on the crust
3 plates in Kobe all moving towards each other .they hit and an earthquake occurs.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When the plates move, they rub or slide against each other. When the plates get stuck against each other, they slowly push harder and harder against each other until the pressure is too much to hold. Then they break through and cause an earthquake.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The tremors all originated from the Akashi channel but I found it actually was an earthquake that hit the northern tip of the Awaji Island; it tore open a previously unknown fault near by, and the quake raced along the fault line, 9000km/h and heads straight for Kobe. The fault ruptures with cataclysmic force and there's the massive quake
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There was lots of friction and some plates collided
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It was a thing from god our father who like noahs flood didnt like the japense and decided they should be punished
so he killed them

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