
What Is The Meaning Of Barrier In Communication?


8 Answers

d ds Profile
d ds answered
Barriers to communication include all those things that hinder the communication process and result in some kind of distortion in the message. The first barrier is physical for example if two employees in an office have their offices in two different floors then they will communicate very less with each other. Then there are perceptual barriers that mean that people have their own views about things and they do not listen carefully to what other people are saying. Then we have emotional barriers like fear and anxiety because of which communication is not effective. Cultural and language barriers mean that people in different cultures communicate differently and it is difficult for them to understand each other. Men and women also have a different style and difficulty to communicate arises because of this difference. Then the personality also can become a barrier because there are many people who do not want to communicate with others.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Gender barriers
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Psychological Barriers
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Barriers to communication is also known as "source of noise".  The latter interrupts the communication process in one way or the other.  Noise in the communication process will result in the wrong message being received by the receiver or no message received.

There are many barriers to communication which can be classified as follows:

1. Mechanical noise
This type of barrier exists when a physical device is used in the communication process.  For example phone.  A problem with the telephone will result in a distorted message.

2. Semantic noise
This arises because of wrong interpretation of a word which has 2 or more meanings.  As such the message sent to mean something will be interpreted as another thing by the receiver.

3. Environmental noise
This is when the barriers are external to the communication process.  For example when someone is talking on the phone and people around are talking aloud resulting in a distorted message.

4. Internal noise
This occurs when the receiver has problem to receive, decode and store information in his mind.  For example a sender is talking over the phone and the receiver is not paying attention because of his mood.  Therefore the barrier was "inside" himself, so termed as internal noise.
Lil Lillian Profile
Lil Lillian answered
Is all communication effective? Discuss, Approach, Define key words, outstanding points, the arguments
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Any obstruction that hinders easy movement is called a barrier.The process of human communication also faces problems which obstruct its smooth transmission. The problems which stumbling blocks in the process of communication are the barriers to communication.Barriers to the smooth process of communication between the communication and the communicatee are:1) Mechanical2) Physical3) Language4) Socio-psychological5) Cross-cultural

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