Science is broken down into three main categories which are biology, astronomy and chemistry.
- The study of biology consists of inspecting tiny organisms that make up all living things including animals, plants and humans. Students learn biology to find out how these cells function and how they are formed, as well as where they have come from. In addition, we find out why we need them and if they have the potential to develop into something more.
- Branches of Biology - humans, plants, animals, and microorganisms.
- This division of science concerns itself with the study of the universe and all of its components. The aim of astronomy classes is to teach students the behaviors and evolution of the planets and stars around us. The functions of space give us a sense and awareness of time. This therefore spearheads the ability of life forms to develop and survive with the aid of light and dark.
- Branches of Astronomy - planets, galaxies, stars, meteors etc.
- This particular division of science allows us to study the way the world works and changes in chemical forms. This is the type of science that is with us every day because of the things we do. There are chemical reactions happening all the time, such as cooking a meal or washing some clothes. In addition, scientists test chemical reactions to see if they can create something new which could perhaps benefit everyday life or provide medicine for illnesses.
- Branches of Chemistry - organic, inorganic, biochemistry.